Page 128 of Burning For Her Kiss

“I love you, too.”

This time she did hear an unmistakable groan come through the phone. “I wish I could hold you right now.”

“Will you come over tomorrow morning? We can sleep in. Maybe even spend the entire day in bed.”

“You’re on.”

Beth grinned, but then she remembered that there was something else she needed to tell him. “Drew, something else happened today you should know about. While I was talking to your brother, Ben showed up.”

Drew didn’t comment for a few moments and she wondered if he was working to control his temper. Ben wasn’t one of his favorite subjects—nor hers—for obvious reasons. “What did he have to say?”

She was surprised that Drew sounded rational. If she didn’t know any better, she would have thought they were having a conversation about where to meet for coffee. “His wife is making him go to therapy and part of that was him confronting the people in his past. I’m guessing he was supposed to apologize and explain why he did what he did, but of course it didn’t come out that way.”

“He upset you.” Beth could hear the anger in his voice. He was controlling it, but just barely.

“Not as much as you’d think. Honestly, I’m more concerned with Seth’s reaction. Ben thought your brother was my new ‘boy-toy.’ Seth now knows that I dated a married man and that he let me ‘do things to him’. Ben wasn’t specific, luckily, but I’m sure your brother can use his imagination.”

Drew didn’t respond.

“You still there?” she asked.

“Yes.” She imagined he was counting to ten. “Don’t worry about Seth. If he says anything else, just tell him to come talk to me.”

“I already did.”

“Good.” Drew sighed. “This is so hard. I want to be there right now to comfort you.”

“I’m fine. Really. Regarding Ben? Well, seeing him again made me realize that he no longer has any hold over me. I’ve moved on and I’ve found a much better man to spend my time with.”

“Yeah?” She was almost positive he was smiling.



“Coming!” Drew yelled back to whoever had called his name. “Sorry. I’ve got to go.”

“I’ll see you in the morning. I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

Then he was gone and something she’d been tossing around in her mind came to the forefront once again. Deciding to go with it, she dialed Nicole’s number.

“Need something to keep you busy while your man’s working?”

“Hello to you, too.”

Nicole laughed.

“Do you have some time this afternoon? I could use your help with something,” Beth said.

“Sure. What do you need?”

“I’d like your help picking out a collar for Drew. I want it to be something he can wear at all times.” Nicole would know what he was allowed to wear and what he wasn’t. Beth didn’t want to buy something that he would have to take off whenever he went to work.

“I need to finish what I’m working on, and then I can come over. Say about an hour from now?”

“See you then.”