Page 129 of Burning For Her Kiss

Beth hung up the phone and headed into the house. She spent the next hour straightening the upstairs and making sure her bedroom was in order. Sunday began another four days off for Drew and she planned to make them memorable.

A little before five there was a knock on her front door. She went to greet Nicole. If they were going to get both a collar for Drew and make it to the club that night, they needed to get going.

Two hours later, Beth was in possession of Drew’s new collar. To the casual observer it looked like a regular watch. Nicole had informed Beth that the only two pieces of jewelry he would be allowed to wear were a wedding ring and a watch. That narrowed down her choices considerably. In the end, however, she’d found the perfect watch and had the back plate engraved. A symbol of their relationship would be pressed against his wrist whenever he wore it.

With that objective accomplished, Beth and Nicole went their separate ways agreeing to meet back up at the club. Beth ran upstairs and tucked the watch in her top drawer before getting ready for a night at the club. Since Drew wasn’t going to be there with her, she opted for a pair of black jeans and a nice top. She wasn’t out to impress anyone and she needed to be comfortable.

Nicole and Jeff were already there when Beth arrived. She stopped to say hi to the two of them and then excused herself to go find Michael. He was a master at rope work and she wanted to see if he’d teach her something. Drew loved to be bound and she wanted the night she collared him to be special.

She found Michael, who also happened to be one of the club’s dungeon monitors, upstairs outside room number four. He was watching Daniel flog someone. She thought she recognized the sub, but she couldn’t be sure since her head was down.

Michael acknowledged her arrival. He also noticed she was alone. “Flying solo tonight?”

“Drew’s working.”

“Ah.” He turned his attention back to the scene in front of him. Considering Daniel was one of the more experienced Doms in the club, Beth knew Michael wasn’t watching for safety reasons. “So what brings you upstairs without a sub in tow? You never were much of a voyeur.”

It was true. The only time she came upstairs to watch was when she wanted to learn something new. “No. I was looking for you, actually.”

He turned to face her. “I’m flattered. What can I do for you?”

“I was hoping you could help me with some rope bondage. Drew likes to be bound and while I can do some simple wrist ties, I was hoping maybe you could show me something a little more involved.”

A huge grin spread across Michael’s face. “Sure. Let’s see if we can find an open room.”


Chapter 32

Drew worked alongside his crew to clean the truck and make sure everything was stocked and ready to go for the next run. It had been a busy shift. Both lunch and dinner had been interrupted by calls. It was a good thing it was Sunday, otherwise they’d be scrambling to get the daily maintenance finished.

His brother’s appearance that afternoon had been unexpected. Why he was so concerned about Drew’s relationship with Beth was a mystery. It wasn’t as if Seth had ever taken a great interest in the women Drew dated before.

Although his conversation with Seth, and his brother’s subsequent visit with Beth, irritated Drew, it had nothing on what he was feeling toward Beth’s ex. Fury ran through his limbs as he washed the windshield of the fire truck.

“I don’t know what the windshield did to you, but I’m sure it didn’t mean it.”

He looked down to find Shawn standing there with his hands on his hips. Drew sighed and wiped off the last of the solution he’d applied before hopping down. “Stressful day.”

“I can see that. Want to talk about it?” Shawn asked.

“Not really.” Talking about it wasn’t going to help. What he really wanted to do was punch something—preferably Ben’s face. Since that wasn’t an option . . .

Shawn was quiet for a moment. “You almost done here? I was thinking of trying to get a workout in if you wanted to join me.”

Rolling his shoulders, Drew thought that might be the best idea he’d heard all day. He needed to release some of his pent-up energy. “Give me ten minutes.”

Nodding, Shawn left Drew to finish his work. Luckily, most everything was done. His crew had finished washing down the truck and all their gear was cleaned and in place. The only thing he had left to do was check in with them and make sure there were no issues from the previous run to go over. Irwin had some problems getting the hose hooked up and Drew wanted to see if there was a way to keep it from happening in the future. In a fire, seconds counted.

He found all the members of his crew huddled together at the back of the truck. “Hey, Cap.”

Something was going on. “What are you knuckleheads up to?”

“Not a thing,” Romeo said.

Yeah. Drew didn’t buy that for a minute, but he decided to ignore their strange behavior. “I wanted to talk about what happened with the hose connection today.”

Irwin spoke up. “Not much to tell. Looked like some kids had been messing with it or something. I had a hard time getting the cap off.”