Page 12 of Truth

With every day that passed, I became more determined to please him, to be what he needed me to be. Sex had ended up being an extremely pleasurable surprise. He’d given that to me. In return, I was determined to give him what he needed.

Movement drew my attention back to his face. He opened his eyes and smiled.

“Morning, Brianna,” he said in a groggy voice.

“Morning, Sir.”

He rolled onto his side and pulled me up against him. We were both naked, and I could feel his penis hard against my stomach.

He kissed me. It was soft and slow, with no tongue, but I could tell he was restraining himself. I held on to his arms, allowing him to take whatever it was he wanted.

“Hmm. I think I like waking up like this. I may never let you go back in your own bed.”

“Okay.” He would get no argument from me, if that was what he wanted.

He sighed and rolled onto his back, turning his head to look at the clock. I followed his gaze. It was already seven thirty. We’d overslept.

Stephan must have felt me tense, because he turned his attention back to me and ran his fingers down my cheek, along my jaw.

“What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

“You’re going to be late for work.”

“It’s all right. I let Jamie know yesterday that I wouldn’t be in until this afternoon.” He leaned in, kissed my forehead, and then sighed. “We do need to get up, though. Someone is coming over to install a video camera outside our door.” He paused. “Then you and I need to talk about what happened yesterday.”

I felt an unpleasant pull in my chest and a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. The last thing I wanted to do was tell Stephan how I’d messed up the day before by opening the door to my father, but I knew I had to. Stephan had told me time and time again that communication was the number one thing he required of me. I’d learned the hard way just how serious he felt about the subject.

He lay there, waiting. My distress must have been clear on my face.

“Don’t be anxious, Brianna. Whatever it is, we’ll deal with it. Right now, we need to get dressed and get breakfast before the security company arrives.”

Before I could respond, he threw off the sheet, revealing what I’d felt pressed against me earlier. He sat up, then stood and walked over to his dresser. Removing a pair of boxers and jeans, he pulled them up over his long legs and then turned to look at me still in the bed.

“Go to your room and get dressed, Brianna. Meet me in the kitchen when you’re done.”

I scurried to get out of the bed and went to my room. As soon as I walked through the door, all the feelings from the day before hit me again, and I ran back out to the main room. Stephan was just walking out of his bedroom, and I headed straight toward him. He caught me as I flung my arms around his neck.

“Hey, what is it?”

I pressed my face into his neck, plastering my body as close to him as I could get it. “I can’t...”

There was a long pause where neither one of us spoke. He just held me, rubbing his hands up and down my back.

“Would it help if I go in with you?”

I nodded.

Stephan reached up, untangled my arms from around his neck, and then took both of my hands in his. He looked serious but not angry.

“I’ll go into your bedroom with you, but I’m going to remain by the door. You’ll be able to see me, but you’ll have to go to your closet and retrieve your things by yourself.”

What sounded like a whimper left my throat.

“You can do this, Brianna. I’ll be right here with you, but you can do this.” He rested his palm on the side of my face and stared at me intently.

I closed my eyes and gave myself a pep talk. I could do this. He was right. I could do this.

Opening my eyes, I met his gaze again and nodded.