Page 13 of Truth

“Okay.” I knew I didn’t sound very confident, but it was the best I could do.


I stood just inside Brianna’s bedroom door while she rushed around the room getting her things. She didn’t linger, and I doubted she gave what she grabbed more than a cursory glance before picking it up. Once she had everything she needed in her arms, she came to where I stood. She made no movement to put any of the clothing onto her body.

I waited, but she still didn’t move. “Were you planning on running around naked all day?”

She shook her head.

“Then I suggest you put on those things you have in your hands.”

Brianna’s forehead creased in concentration but she didn’t speak. I checked my watch. Seven forty-five. The person from the security firm was due in fifteen minutes.

“Would you rather I leave?”

She looked up at me, her eyes wide, and shook her head again. I understood she didn’t want to be in this room anymore, but I was right here, and I was not going to let her run away just because it was easier. No one was going to hurt her. It was all in her mind. I wasn’t going to allow Jonathan Reeves the power to make Brianna afraid in her own home.

“Dress.” It wasn’t a request, and by her immediate response, she knew it.

I stood with my arms crossed over my chest while she finished. After she put on her bra and panties, she moved faster. I wasn’t sure if she hurried because she’d gotten over her fear or if it was due to her fear. It was another thing we’d have to address after the camera was installed.

As soon as she was finished, I cupped her face, leaned forward, and gave her a kiss. “Good girl. Don’t let your fear have so much control over you. You should feel safe inside these walls. Don’t allow him and what happened yesterday to change that.”

We were walking back into the main room when the phone rang. It was the front desk letting me know a man from the security firm had arrived, and I gave Tom clearance to send the man on up. The sooner this was done, the better.

I had enough time to set the table before I heard a knock on the door.

“Keep working on breakfast. I’ll be back to help in a minute,” I said, leaving her in the kitchen. She was going to make her homemade waffles. I’d given her the choice, and that was what she’d picked. She’d made them a couple of times before, and each and every time I’d stuffed myself. I would have to be more cautious this time, as we had things to discuss. Today wasn’t about relaxing.

The man on the other side of the door was older, about Richard’s age, give or take five years. After introducing himself, Danny confirmed with me the information he’d received from my assistant. I explained to him in more detail what I was looking for, and he showed me a couple of different options. In the end, I chose a high-resolution motion-sensitive camera. The picture was clear, and in full color. Neither Brianna nor I would have any trouble seeing who was on the other side of the door.

Danny went to work, and I walked back into the kitchen where Brianna was already plating the waffles. Looking over all the options, and then discussing specifics, had taken longer than I’d planned.

I walked up beside her and placed a kiss on her cheek. She smiled. We each took our plates over to the table and sat down.

Brianna was distracted all during breakfast. She kept glancing at the door where Danny was working and then back down at her plate. She didn’t appear panicked, so I was fairly sure her anxiety had nothing to do with Danny himself. As I continued to watch her reactions, I began to think that what she was actually doing was watching to see how much longer it would take him to finish. Brianna was never eager to talk things out. Even after two months, getting information out of her, especially information she didn’t think I’d like, was a challenge.

We were almost finished with breakfast when the telephone rang again. Wiping off my mouth with my napkin, I stood and walked over to answer it, leaving Brianna at the table. Aside from Danny, we weren’t expecting any visitors to my knowledge. I also knew that if Reeves showed up again, Tom would gladly have him physically removed from the premises.


There was a long pause. If I hadn’t heard breathing on the other end of the line, I would have thought no one was there.


“Yes. This is Stephan Coleman. Who is this?”

“Why are you home? Where’s Anna?” There was no longer a question as to who was on the other end of the phone. The demanding and impolite attitude gave him away.

“Good morning to you, too, Ross.”

“Cut the crap, Coleman,” he snapped. “John came to see me last night. I know he was there.”

Glancing across the room, I saw Brianna had stopped eating and was watching me. I met her gaze and nodded toward her plate. Eat, I mouthed. She lowered her head and picked up her fork.

“What did he say?” I asked.

Ross snorted. It wasn’t a pleasant sound.