He gazed into her beautiful green eyes, which were breathtakingly beautiful like she was. He liked her, but it simply would never work out between them.

She was most likely like his mom, completely absorbed in her art. It would always take priority in her life, especially since her career was just beginning.

Still, he longed to take her into his arms and kiss her until neither of them could breathe.

She bit her lip and stepped closer. Inwardly, he groaned. He had to get away before he did something they would both regret.

“I wonder who bought my painting. I know Vivian bought the second one, but who bought the first one? Do you know?” she said.

“Sorry, I can’t give out personal information, but I assure you the person will cherish it.”

“I understand. It’s unbelievable. In one night, I made two months’ rent. I can’t wait to see my dad’s face when I hand him the check.”

“He’ll be proud of you.”

“I doubt it. He always wanted me to be more like Megan, but at least now, Stinker and I will have a home for a few more months. It will be nice to be independent from my dad.”

It was funny. He always admired Megan and thought he wanted to be with someone exactly like her, but the more he was around Suzy, the less appealing that idea was. Suzy was messy and fun and made life interesting.

He tilted her chin against his better judgment. “Well, I’m proud of you. You’re amazing and following your dream. Not many people have the guts to do that.”

Her brow wrinkled. “Why did you never return to school and finish your degree?” She suddenly blushed and put her hand on his arm. “Don’t bolt, not now.”

He swallowed hard.

“We don’t have to talk about it. Do you want to come inside?” she said, looking hopeful. “I didn’t mean to bring up painful memories. Come inside for coffee or tea.”

He shook his head. He wanted to but there was no way he could allow himself that luxury. Whatever it was between them would never work.

“Let’s get together Tuesday and plan our next move.” He took a step backward. “Congratulations again.”

Disappointment pooled in her eyes. He had a hunch she liked him, too, regardless of his sometimes sour demeanor.

“Okay.” She bit her lip. “Have a good night.”

He nodded and walked to his car, leaving the woman he cared about more than he liked to admit behind. He turned back. She waved before heading inside her apartment.

No doubt Stinker would be excited to see her. Who wouldn’t be? She was something extraordinary. Who could have imagined this particular headache would need a bigger cure than Tylenol? He groaned. There might not be a cure for her.


Suzy closed the door and leaned against it. Was he about to kiss her? Why did he bolt so much? Was there something about her that repelled him? Why did she care?

She straightened, walked to the heating vent, picked up Stinker, and carried him to the couch. After giving Stinker his medicine, she texted her sister to let her know she had made it home safely, and then she yawned.

It had been quite the day. She was exhausted, but she doubted she could sleep. Daniel’s brown eyes and how he looked at her would keep her up. Why hadn’t he kissed her? She desperately wanted him to.

“This will never do?” She stroked Stinker’s fur. “For all I know, he doesn’t even like cats, or worse, he could be allergic to you. On the plus side, I did sell both my paintings.”

Stinker leaned closer to her, and a deep rumble came from him. Nothing was sweeter than a cat who loved you, except maybe a man who did.

“I guess it’s me and you.” She let out a sigh. “Not that it’s not great, but sometimes it might be nice if someone else was here. Let’s get you to bed.”

She carried him into her bedroom. He liked to sleep on the pillow next to her. “Sweet dreams, little guy.” She kissed his head and switched off the light.

Chapter seven

Daniel wrapped the paintings that were sold last night. Quite a few had. It was not a bad night, minus Nicholas Prows. He hummed slightly to himself. Bet Stinker had a good night, too, with Suzy. The little guy probably even slept in her bed.