“You have nothing to apologize for.” Megan waved her hand. “It’s that dreadful man who should be apologizing.”

Daniel’s jaw tightened. Nicholas was a piece of work. Poor Vivian. He had hurt her and other unfortunate artists by buying their art and making them believe they were special when he only wanted to use them.

He looked at Suzy. She was shaken by the whole thing and still trembling.

When he saw Nicholas with her, fierce anger rushed through him, and the urge to protect her was as powerful as the HeberDam; he knew he had to stop Nicholas at any cost. Hopefully, he’ll never be back.

“Congratulations on your first sales,” he said to Suzy, changing the subject.

Her face lit up with a huge smile. “I can’t believe it, thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“What?” Megan embraced her sister. “I’m so happy for you.” She pulled back. “Thank you, Daniel.”

He nodded. Another part of his job he loved was seeing his headaches shine. Nicholas was dead wrong. His artists weren’t second-rate, not in the slightest.

Perhaps this work he was ensnared into was better than working with numbers. He was making a difference in artists' lives. A lump formed in his throat. He’d always been bitter when his mom left him with the gallery. He’d never considered the gallery anything different than a huge hassle.

Sure, he was proud he turned her gallery into a success, but he also deeply resented it and begrudged dropping out of school, especially when his mother refused medical treatment to save her life. She only cared about her art and wanted the gallery to still be here after she was gone.

“Suzy, Brent isn’t feeling well. I’m running him home and coming back for you if that’s okay.” Megan asked.

Daniel glanced at Brent. He didn’t look well, and he looked like he was going to throw up at any moment.

“It must have been the sushi I had for dinner,” Brent mumbled, holding his stomach. “Sorry to ruin your big night, Suz.”

She shook her head. “I understand.” She squeezed Megan’s hand. “Don’t worry, I can take an Uber home. You should be with your husband.”

“I can take you home,” Daniel said. “It might be late. I need to stay until everyone leaves. Is that okay?”

“Yes, thank you. I’ve enjoyed myself.” Suzy smiled. “I could stay here all night surrounded by this beautiful art and these interesting people.”

“Okay, it’s settled,” he said.

“Thanks.” Megan dug out her car keys in her oversized purse. She looked prepared for anything. It was funny how different the two sisters were.

Brent and Megan quickly left.

“Would you like something to eat?” he asked, pointing to the table overflowing with food. “I hired the best catering company.”

“That would be great.” This time, she linked arms with him. It felt like she belonged at his side.


Daniel parked his car in front of Suzy’s apartment. “Let me walk you up.”

“Okay.” She unfastened her seatbelt. “This literally was the best night of my life, minus my brief encounter with Nicholas. He is awful. Thanks for interfering.”

He shrugged. “It was no big deal.”

“Of course it was.”

“Sit there.” He opened his door and walked around the car to open her door to help her out.

“Wow.” She let out a whistle. “Nice guys are hard to find.”

“Perhaps you weren’t looking hard enough.” He held her hand as she got out of his car.