Page 71 of The Fallback

‘OK,’ Rosie agreed.

‘Maybe try your friend.’ She waved her hand at Rosie. ‘The one who used to work here? Mitch?’ Rachel suddenly looked pleased with herself that she had recalled the name of one of her more disappointing students. ‘He wasn’t up to much as a scientist,’ she said, ‘but I hear he’s gone on to good things as a journalist. Presumably putting his good looks and charm to work for him.’ Rachel chuckled to herself. ‘You’re still friends, aren’t you? I mean you bring him to every party?’

‘Er, yes,’ confirmed Rosie, not really feeling like explaining that the fact that she and Mitch were currently not on speaking terms was exactly the issue which was distracting her from work.

‘Well, good. Try him. But for goodness’ sake, do it soon, I can’t have any more messes to clear up.’

Rosie nodded dumbly. Perhaps if she told Mitch that Rachel had instructed him to listen to her, he would have to stop ignoring her?

‘Right,’ Rachel clapped her hands together. ‘BioChem. You’ll get back to work in the lab? And I need to work on this press release.’

‘Press release?’ Rosie asked, feeling she had missed a step.

‘Yes, press release. You know, one of those things we send out to the newspapers when we have something to announce?’ Evidently touchy-feely time with Rachel was over.

‘Erm, what are we announcing exactly?’

‘The collaboration!’ Rachel snapped.

‘Oh,’ Rosie looked confused. ‘I thought it was confidential?’

Rachel sighed, ‘Do try to keep up, Rosie. Yes, it was. Now it isn’t. BioChem want to announce this project and get out ahead of one of their competitors.’

‘OK,’ Rosie said, sounding very unsure of the situation.

Rachel sighed again and stared hard at her. ‘I’m drafting it. BioChem will check it and then I will send it to you to circulate.’

‘Me?’ Rosie asked sounding terrified.

‘Yes!’ Rachel sounded increasingly irritated by Rosie’s questions. ‘You’re the lead scientist on it, it should come from you. You’re the poster girl remember?’

Rosie didn’t feel like talking to the press or being the poster girl for anything right now, but she knew she couldn’t argue with Rachel.

‘OK, right.’

‘I’ll send it to you as soon as it’s finalised.’ Rachel waved Rosie off towards the door.

Rosie quickly stood up from her chair, eager to get out of Rachel’s office before any other terrifying instructions came her way.

‘Oh, and Rosie?’

Rosie turned back to look at Rachel.

‘I promised the comms team atThe Postthat they could have a short exclusive on our next press release. I owe the director there a favour.’

Rosie didn’t like to ask what kind of favour Rachel might owe and anyway she was already feeling sick enough at hearing the name of Mitch’s newspaper.

‘So, once it’s ready, we’ll give them a twenty-four-hour exclusive, OK?’

‘OK.’ Rosie wanted to sound more confident than she was. Press releases and journalists (who weren’t Mitch) were not her thing. But it was a simple instruction, wasn’t it? Forward on the document that Rachel would send to her. How hard could that be?

Rosie walked back to her office feeling like she’d narrowly avoided being hit by a bus. For some reason Rachel had forgiven her so Rosie needed to double down and get this lab work done extra quickly and extra carefully. And then she needed to run the gauntlet of contacting Mitch’s press department who would undoubtedly put her straight in touch with him. He was the science correspondent after all, who else would be interested in this press release but him?

* * *

Rosie had gone straight off to book the first available slots of lab time and then walked past Nadia’s office to update her on how it had gone with Rachel. Nadia was on the phone, but Rosie had managed to give her a thumbs-up and a smile. Nadia had grinned back and mouthed, ‘Told you it would be fine.’

Rosie wasn’t so sure that Rachel had fully forgiven her but she was determined to try and make it up to her. It was bad enough not having Mitch in her corner, but without Rachel she would feel completely alone. Lost in thought, she ran out at lunchtime to grab a sandwich and ran straight into Ben, the absolute last person she wanted to see, ever.