Page 25 of Creation's Captive

A few months later, during one of Sarah and I’s favourite wine and homework nights, I got up the nerve to ask why they’d decided to invite me into their group. I hadn’t been actively looking to make friends. The traumatic memories had ensured that, and their interest in me had seemed entirely random.

Sarah grinned as she responded, “I love introvert friends; you all seem so innocent and shy, but once you’re in with them, they are the craziest, most fun people out there.”

I laughed at that, unsure I bought into the crackpot theory, but I was grateful, nonetheless.

Sarah interrupts my train of thought, bringing me back to the present, “breakfast?”

“PLEASE,” Conner answers, like a man starved. He looks like he’s about to keep talking but is distracted, turning to smile at a girl walking past us.

She turns to me, “Vivi – breakfast, you coming?”

I shoot my friends an apologetic look. “Sorry guys – I either live frugally or need to get a part-time job, and I would much rather avoid working at a drive-through.”

For the moment, I’m getting by with only working during the summer term and living off those savings, in addition to scholarships and student loans during the school semesters.

“Awe, Viv, but think of the perks – all the fries you can eat – and all the fries you can feed your friends!” Conner answers.

I laugh, “then YOU get a fast-food job.”

Conner gives me his most winning smile. “And miss all the extra time hanging out with you, gorgeous? Never!”

I shake my head, smiling. He’s a flirt, but he’s harmless. If anything, he’s desensitized me to male attention.

Reluctantly, we head out of the empty class, heading for the main building doors before the next hoard of students ambles in.

“Okay, so Conner, Isaac, and I are getting breakfast. We don’t have any other classes together today, Vivi,” Sarah states. I know from her tone that she’s up to something. “What time are you done today?” she continues.

“Just after 11,” I answer. There’s suspicion in my voice. Sarah is notorious for talking us into crazy adventures.

“Perfect!” Sarah exclaims. “I have a fun activity planned for us, and before you say no, it’s free, and you owe us because you bailed on partying this weekend.”

I did bail on partying, and I do feel a bit guilty. But my favourite author had just released a new novel, and I couldn’t put it down.

“Alright,” I relinquish. “But I need to go and get a new phone first. I uhm, dropped mine in the ocean over the weekend – so by the way. I have no phone; I’m not ignoring you all.” I pause before adding, “Can I at least know what we’re doing?”

“Of course!” Sarah says, giving the group a devilish smile. “You know how I love to surf, and you all never come surfing with me because rental equipment costs cash? Well, I went on a few dates with Tommy. He works at the surf shack on the beach. Nice guy, TERRIBLE taste in movies, and anyhow, he said that Monday afternoons are really slow, so I can bring you guys over, and you can all try to learn how to surf, free of charge!”

She’s practically bouncing with excitement. No, scratch that; she is, in fact, bouncing. The girl loves to surf and usually goes out at least twice a week.

I’m not sure how great I’ll be at surfing, but I can swim, and it sounds like a fun challenge. “Alright, I’m in!”

What’s a bit more adrenaline-inducing activities? That’s my new code for near-death experiences. I’m swearing off those.

Isaac is beaming, “yessss!” he exclaims. “I’m so stoked; I’ve wanted to get in the water and try the waves since we got back from summer break!”

I notice Conner looks a bit concerned. “You okay, Conner? Don’t feel like surfing?” I ask him.

“Ahh, well...” he starts, looking embarrassed. “It’s just that I’m not a great swimmer. All muscle, you know? I don’t float too well.”

Sarah is quick to jump in, “They have life jackets! Don’t worry, bud; we would never make fun of you for not being a strong swimmer. Not when we have soooo much other material to go off when it comes to you.”

Conner looks relieved but ruffles Sarah’s hair anyway for the sass she threw him. They love poking fun at each other.

Once again, I’m reminded that beyond the jokes, my friends genuinely care for each other, and I suppose that includes me, too.

The thought gives me a pang of unease. It isn’t easy to let people in. But the more time that goes by, the better I get at letting my guard down.

“Okay, so it’s settled. Vivi, meet us at the surf shack at noon. No wait. Make that one. The phone store guy will probably want to hit on you, and it will take extra time. Bring a bathing suit and a towel. Byeeeee!” Sarah finishes by turning and walking towards the main street that holds multiple cafés.