Page 26 of Creation's Captive

Isaac follows her, but Conner can’t help flirting one more time, “Viv in a bikini – if the water doesn’t drown me, the heart attack surely will,” he finishes before winking and then turning to catch up with the others.

I laugh again. It’s nice having a group of friends. I think that with them, maybe, just maybe, I can be okay again one day.

Chapter 7

CONTRARY TO SARAH’S PREDICTION, THE STORE CLERK DOES NOTHITon me. That might be because the person working the counter today is a very pregnant woman, but I don’t feel the need to give that information.

I blanch as I mentally recalculate my budget while walking home. Smartphones are not cheap, but if you can’t have internet access to look up the random questions that come to mind every day, what is even the point of having a phone?

It looks like I’m going to need to cut back on more than just breakfast out with friends over the next few months. That leaves the grocery budget or the book budget, you know – the essentials.

Oh, the difficult choices of a broke college student.

I make it to the beach with a few minutes to spare. Scanning the shores, I’m relieved to see no ghosts orfaceless here. I take that as an encouraging sign that no one has died here in a long time.

I head down to the sand in front of the surf shack.

Conner is already waiting in his pink flamingo swim trunks. He’s shirtless, and I can tell he’s cold.

“You’re going to turn into a popsicle if you don’t put more clothes on,” I exclaim as a greeting.

On the other hand, I am wearing my favourite baggy sweatpants and a black hoodie over my bikini. Even with the layer of protection from the weather, I’m still wrapped up in my towel to try and stop the wind from digging into my bones.

Conner laughs, “Well, at least I’ll be a popsicle with some damn sexy abs on display. They’ll be able to put me up in a museum as the perfect male specimen.”

He starts posing in different positions, flexing every muscle he can think of.

“A museum job! So prestigious. I can see the writing in front of your plaque now: ‘Most failed attempts at asking friends out.’” I tease as I try to push my hair behind my face into a French braid.

Okay, maybe Sarah’s assessment that I would come out of my shell more when I accepted the group as ‘my’ people wasn’t too far off. Or maybe Conner is just the easiest person to joke around with in the world, so not even I can resist.

Not that I willeveradmit that to him, of course. The guy does NOT need someone to put his name and ‘irresistible’ together in a sentence, no matter the context.

The wind that worried me during my morning walk has shown no sign of slowing down. It’s making it impossible to get my hair under control, with morestrands getting caught in my mouth than the elastic. A French braid isn’t happening today. Giving up, I let the waves whip around me wildly.

The wind is welcome here, though. There is a great swell in the water. The waves crash onto the shore, and fog is starting to descend over the water.

The town is positioned on a small strip of land, with one side bordering a sheltered bay while the other opens to the vast Atlantic. We’re on the non-sheltered side now, and you can’t see the horizon from the fog that quickly rolls in.

Conner isn’t ignoring an opening to hit on me again. “That may be my plaque, Viv, but I’m certain I’ll grow on you. If I hit on you enough, you’ll eventually come to appreciate my charm.”

“Hey guys! Sorry, we’re late! Isaac wanted to give me a speedo fashion show before we came here.” Sarah calls as she and Isaac hurry towards us.

I’m relieved at their interruption.

Conner gives me a heated look before turning to our friends. I’m starting to wonder if maybe the man is being a bit more flirtatious with me than usual.

Isaac laughs and blushes a bit as he shakes his head, “Nah, sorry guys, I just had trouble finding my swim trunks. I hadn’t unpacked them yet,” he finishes, running his hand through his hair again with a sheepish grin.

“He refused to wear one of my bathing suits,” Sarah pretends outrage. “I told him I have like seven, and tough guy wouldn’t hear of it.”

Isaac gives Sarah a wolfish grin, “Sarah, if your bathing suit is on my body, then you’d better be wearing it.”

I bite my lips together to stop from laughing. I wonder if Isaac and Sarah are starting to have a thing between them. Isaac isn’t usually a flirt. Then again, maybe hanging out with Conner is finally rubbing off on him.

Conner and I both side-eye each other, eyebrows raised, acknowledging the change.

Sarah laughs and turns away from Isaac. I swear her cheeks are a little pink.