Page 53 of Creation's Captive

Immediately, I avert my eyes to anywhere but him. In hindsight, I think I should have given him my only dry sweater. At least it would have covered some of him up.

Now that I’m mostly dry and not drowning, I can take in more of his appearance. The man is devastatingly attractive. Not like the cute fuckboys from the university, kind of hot. This man is an entirely new category unto himself.

He has broad shoulders and is very well-muscled. His chest and arms are covered in spiralling blue tattoos, but they do nothing to hide his well-defined abs. And yeah, I take that all in before gluing my eyes to the rug.

My cheeks flush.

Of course. OF COURSE.

After years of never feeling attracted to anyone, I finally get the hots for someone who just happens to be the paranormal stranger standing across from me in my living room.

I was right – fantasy romance novels ruined me for ordinary men.

I need to break the ice. This is getting a bit awkward. I force myself to ignore my burning cheeks and look back at him. “So, uhm. You aren’t a dog.”

Why am I like this?

The stranger coughs to conceal a laugh. I’m about to ramble about why I thought he might be a dog, but thestranger stops me before I can make an even bigger fool of myself.

He takes a few steps towards me as if unsure of himself.

“Is it really you?” he asks, his voice a whisper. There’s a tenderness in his gaze that warms my soul.

I’m unsure how to answer the question, but the next word from his mouth instantly cools me off. “Cassandra?”

I take a step back, shaking my head. “Uhm, no, sorry. I’m Vivian.”

The stranger’s eyebrows bunch together. “I, I don’t know how this is possible. It’s been over ten thousand years, but I would recognize you anywhere. You look exactly like her.”

This sparks my memory. “I know you too – I, I’ve dreamt of you. At a temple, before a battle broke out.”

Understanding dawns on the stranger’s face. “Of course. So, it is you. They’ve brought back your soul. They’ve given you back to me.” He moves towards me again but then pauses as if suddenly realizing he might be confusing me.

“Sorry, you – Cassandra was my lover. Long, long ago. But she gave her life when Atlantis fell. The council must have seen your sacrifice and deemed you worthy to serve them. They brought your soul back and gave you my key. They bound us by destiny itself.” His tone is reverent, and he’s looking at me like he’s just won the lottery.

I frown. So not only am I tasked with dog-walking a crazy-powerful supernatural creature – but he’s my ex from my past life. I haven’t even dated in this life. Idon’t know how to deal with exes. This all feels… messy.

“I…” Yeah, I’m at a loss. I cross my arms around myself. “I don’t even know your name. Who are you?”

The stranger smiles at me a little sheepishly. He has a great smile. “Of course, this must be very strange for you, especially if you don’t have much recollection of your past life. My name is Leon, and I am the Destroyer you’re bound to.”

The adrenaline from my latest near-death experience is finally fading. My shoulders sag, and the chills are starting up again. My wet hair isn’t helping, but I don’t think I could lift my hair dryer, even if I wanted to. “It’s nice to meet you, Leon.”

Leon looks amused with my generic conversational skills but plays along. “It’s very nice to meet you too, Vivian.” He says my name like a caress as he tests it out on his tongue. “You should get warmer,” he says, nodding to my bed.

“Oh, uhm” I pause, looking around my tiny apartment. I bite my lips in an attempt to get my teeth to stop chattering. “I’m sorry – I don’t have a couch for you to sleep on.”

Leon’s gaze is locked on my lips as I continue to bite them. I feel it again, the pull between our bond. It’s making me want to be closer to him. “I guess you could crash on the bed too – I’ll give you your own blankets, though.”

Yup, making sound decisions left, right and center. Inviting my paranormal ex-boyfriend into bed with me.

Real smart, Vivian.

This is a terrible idea. From the looks Leon is giving me and the way it makes my body flush, sharing a bed is a dangerous move.

Stranger – he’s a stranger.

I’m trying to check myself mentally, but something in my bodyknowshim. There’s a familiarity, and it hums along the bond that connects us.