Page 52 of Creation's Captive

He isn’t a stranger, though. I recognize him. “I – I know you.” I stammer out.

Understanding flashes across his face as he gives me a small smile. “Yes, you do. But you’re also hypothermic, and I need to get you dry. Please.” He adds the please gently, like he doesn’t want to frighten me.

My body is shaking. I didn’t notice until now, I was a bit too preoccupied with the burning that still racks my lungs.

I wrap my hands around myself in an attempt to warm up. I’m surprised to feel my bare skin.

Right – I’m still only wearing my bra and a thong. I must really be out of it.

My eyes snap back to the man. Bad idea.

At my own inspection of my near-naked state, he takes a good look too. Heat flashes across his eyes. I’m not in the mood to test his good manners.

Quickly standing up, I keep my arms wrapped around myself as I try to get my bearings and find my clothes. I spot them not far off, still in a heap.

Hurrying, I make for my clothes, eager to cover up. The familiar stranger follows me silently. I can’t tell if he’s looking at my body, and I’m shivering too much to bother finding out.

I quickly pull the sweater over my head. It’s oversized and reaches mid-thigh. “I, uhm, I have an apartment not too far from here. We can go there.” I suggest.

Now, looking at the man while he’s standing, I realize he’s fully naked. Well then, maybe I’m not the exposed one in this scenario after all.

“Here,” I say, shoving my soaked sweatpants at him. He cocks an eyebrow but puts on the pants without protest.

I most certainly did NOT notice his body before averting my eyes. The heat that flushes through me is probably just shock.

The stranger breaks through my hypocritical thoughts. “You said you have an apartment here? Can you picture it in your head for me?” He’s back to frowning at me like he’s concerned.

I’m guessing I probably look as blue as his eerie glowing eyes, though on me, I bet it looks a lot closer to death.

“What? Yes, and yeah, okay, why?” I ask, just as the stranger takes my hand, and we vanish.

Instantly, we’re transported back inside of my apartment. I sway as my feet hit solid ground, but the hand holding mine holds me steady.

“I hope you don’t mind,” he says. “I thought this would be faster than walking.”

I nod. I have no idea what to say and settle on letting go of his hand before heading to my closet for dry clothes.

I don’t miss the slight look of disappointment that crosses his face when I break the contact between us.

What’s weird is that I feel it, too, that pang of loss. The bond that helped me find him hasn’t dissipated. It’s still here, trying to draw us closer.

I’m a bit miffed that the thing didn’t disappear once I freed him from his ocean nap time.

Picking out my largest and most comfy sweatpants, I turn from my closet and throw them at the stranger. He’s much taller than me – at least six feet tall. Well – beggars can’t be choosers. “They’re going to be too short, but it’s all I have that will fit you. You can change in the bathroom; I’ll change here.”

He catches the sweatpants and pauses before following my directions. I make the mistake of making full eye contact. His eyes lock on mine, and he carefully eyes me up and down. The intensity in his gaze is a bit shocking, and my body instantly reacts. I let out a small gasp, my breath catching in my throat.

At my response, he looks satisfied, breaking into a smirk before heading to the bathroom. I’m mostly relieved that he’s left my immediate presence.


Did my landlord finally turn on the heat? Because I am feeling really warm all of a sudden, even though my hands are still shaking from the cold.

It’s a new kind of heat, one that doesn’t leave me entirely unwelcoming of this man’s attention.

Snap out of it, Vivian.

I throw on some warm fleece-lined leggings, a long-sleeved shirt, and another sweater. The stranger’s voice calls out a moment later, asking if he can come out of the bathroom. At my all-clear, he comes back out.