Page 47 of Creation's Captive

I’m not sure I have it in me to kill anyone, but then, I wouldn’t be doing the killing, would I?

I shake my head at that thought. I’d just be just as guilty as someone who pressed the nuclear bomb button.

Swallowing, I ask. “Why does it have to be me? You said you have a council full of people. Why can’t one of you clean up the mess.” I stop myself before calling it ‘your mess.’

Need calms again at the question and takes a step back. “Like I said, Vivian, it’s a time of political discourse in the Council. I don’t know who can or cannot be trusted. But you, you lived honourably in the past. And you have every reason to want to see the rogue Destroyer put down. You can be trusted with this assignment, and once you have succeeded, you will be released of your keyholder bindings.”

I’m relieved to hear that this is only a temporary arrangement. Quite frankly, this sounds like a paranormal dog-walking job. Only the dog is actually a terrifying attack creature who may or may not blow up my world.

Who’s a good boy?

I’m about to ask how I’m supposed to do any of this when Need looks over her shoulder, frowning. “I’ve already stayed too long. The fewer members of the Council that know you exist, the better. Morgana will be looking for you, too. She’ll want to make sure you don’t stop her. She undoubtedly heard your call through the portal earlier as well. This is a matter of urgency, Keeper. Find your Destroyer, awaken it, and then find Morgana’s and put it down. It’s the only way to save the world as you know it.” And with that, she disappears.

I stand blinking at the spot where Need just stood, gobsmacked. Well, that wasn’t part of the description on the Ouija board blogs.

I look at my wrist, squinting to see anything that looks like a key. Nothing. Not even a cool faded tattoo.


Sitting back down at the edge of my bed, I consider my next steps. Magic is real. And apparently, I have some.

I’ve never considered my ghost-sight ability to be a power, though I didn’t get a chance to ask Need about that particular ability. Maybe the Destroyer is invisible – and I need the ghost-sight to see it.

However, opening a portal to other realms is a whole new level of supernatural.


Need mentioned realms, as in plural. Is the Otherworld a realm?

What a terrible name for a realm.

Does that mean there’s another realm called ‘Thatworld,’ or maybe ‘Thisworld’? Truly, the possibilities abound.

After doing that thing where I try to make light of potentially terrifying life events, my thoughts circle back to the inevitable, more troubling things.

Is there really a council of people or creatures that choose people’s destinies? What’s the point of living if everything is already mapped out and nothing you do makes any difference?

This sounds like prime material to bury your head in the sand from — or at least process when I’m less drunk and more awake.

I glance at my safe, inviting bed. Going back to sleep and pretending this was all a drunken dream sounds really good right about now.

That is until I remember Need’s urgency.

Others will be looking for me.

Other what? Other magical creatures? How am I supposed to defend myself against supernatural beings? I don’t have any fancy magic kung fu. Hell, I can’t even ask my passive-aggressive ghost buddies to lend a hand.

Feeling disheartened and a little anxious, I tentatively lift my left hand, point two fingers at my wall, and whisper – “Bam.”

Nothing. No magic spells. No firebolts.


Powers awakening, my ass.

Back to the drawing board.

While I might not have magic handguns, I’m not entirely out of luck. This so-called Destroyer I’m supposed to release, they have power.