Page 48 of Creation's Captive

They might not have cool magic handguns, but hey, I’m not feeling picky at the moment.

Do I have any other options?

I could stay home and hope nothing finds me at night – but it took Need no time to find me after I used the Ouija board. I don’t know if the other magical beings are as strong as Need, and truth be told, I’m not keen on finding out.

I need to find the Destroyer ASAP and then get on with all this saving the world business.

It isn’t what I originally planned for my evening, but hey, adaptability is the best ability.

I’m pretty sure I read that on a fortune cookie once.

Chapter 12

ARMED WITH A ‘SAVE THE WORLD OR DIE TRYING ATTITUDE,’ I SLIPinto my sneakers and pull my hair into a ponytail before grabbing my keys and heading out the door.

The hallway is deathly quiet, so I peek at my oven clock before shutting and locking the door. Three AM, no wonder it’s quiet. Even the other college students are in bed.

I try to be as quiet as possible as I tip-toe down the hall towards the staircase door.

Whatever decent weather was around when my friends left is long gone. As per Atlantic standards, it is a torrential downpour.

I consider doubling back to get my car, but then remember the bottle of wine I drank.

Maybe driving isn’t the best idea.

Besides, if I’m going to follow the pull of the Destroyer’s collar, that means I need to get in the water. And unless the Destroyer is somehow closer to shore now, I will need to find something to borrow to let me get out that far.

Seeing as it’sa bitlate, said borrowing will likely be without permission. So, it's probably better not to risk having my license plates seen by any cameras that might be kept in the beach area.

Lifting my hood so that my hair is fully covered, I start jogging down to the beach, where I nearly drowned not even two days ago.

It’s a bit unreal to think that almost drowning isn’t the craziest thing that’s happened to me in the last 48 hours. I’ve gone from being an almost normal person who can see ghosts to being entrusted with the fate of humanity.

How does one list such a promotion on their resumé?

Mind you, I’m not sure I’m qualified for the promotion, but given the choice of sitting back and possibly letting some supernatural creatures obliterate all my loved ones or standing up and trying to do something, I’m going to choose option B.

Every time.

I make sure to avoid the streetlights as I walk on the sopping wet grass instead of the sidewalks. I’m already soaked, but considering the next steps in my evening, getting rained on seems like a proverbial ‘drop in the bucket.’

Finally making it to the edge of town, I reach the forest edge that separates the university from the busy shops and restaurants. I follow along the edge, being careful to avoid any broken branches.

I have no flashlight and chose not to bring my phone. The financial repercussions of bringing my phone to my last paranormal oceanside adventure were lesson enough – when dealing with spooky things and water, the electronics stay home.

The wind whips at my face, and I tuck my head down, effectively doing nothing for the icy chill that sweeps under my sweater. At a minimum, I figure that it will help ensure any cameras on campus won’t see me.

While I doubt there are any cameras in most parts of this small town, I have enough rule-breaking anxiety to hold a high degree of paranoia.

After a few more minutes, I finally reach the boardwalk that skirts the beach. My wrist starts to tingle. Whatever bond connects me to the creature I’m supposed to find is evidently taking notice I’ve arrived.


I follow the boardwalk toward the surf shack, and my wrist starts to feel increasingly tingly, with the slight pulling beginning again. Luckily, whatever blue lights appeared in the water the other day are still nowhere to be seen.

The tide is up, but the waves are much smaller than the last time I was here. Approaching the water, I consider my next steps.

Consider is a strong word.