Page 46 of Creation's Captive

I’m about to let her know she isn’t the first ghost to show up in my room, but before I can react, Need’s hand shoots out and clamps down on my shoulder. I don’t even have a chance to scream before my body feels like it’s being wrenched into a tight tunnel, stretching and pulling in ways that are entirely wrong.

In my next breath, my feet are once again touching the ground, and I stagger to stay upright as Need’s hand releases me.

I gasp and want to ask Need what the hell she’s just done, but I’m rendered speechless when I take in my surroundings.

I’m no longer in my apartment.

I’m standing barefoot on cobbled stones. All around me is a wall of jungle, its sounds piercing the air. Most impressive, though, is the sight that lies before me – a massive stone pyramid. It’s notably absent of vendors or tourists.

Through my shock, I mentally tried to figure out which civilization the pyramid belonged to – Aztec maybe?

My guessing is interrupted by an impatient-sounding Need. “Well, Keeper, shall we accept that I am not making up stories? Is thisproofenough that this universe has more magic than you know of?”

I reach out and touch a jungle leaf, just to be certain. It’s real. I nod, still at a loss for words.

Satisfied, Need grabs my shoulder again. This time, I’m a bit more prepared for the weird stretching sensation that follows.

A breath later, I’m standing in my apartment again. Shivering slightly, I walk over to my closet to pull on a sweater. I’m not used to anyone seeing my exposed arms, and years of self-conscious hiding are hard to break.

Once covered and warm, I walk back over to Need, who is back to looking regal, even as she sits on my only barstool. Standing in front of her, I ask the obvious. “Butwhat does this have to do with me? Why have you been looking for me?”

Need looks at me like I’m an idiot. “Surely you’ve noticed your power awakening by now.”

Her tone is getting more clipped by the moment. Clearly, this ghost feels that her time is valuable, and I’m now infringing on it.

I want to ask how my ability to see ghosts has anything to do with whatever she’s talking about, but Need continues before I have a chance. “Each of our Creators and Destroyers has a Keeper, a handler if you will. These beings hold the key to their Creator or Destroyer. Keepers ensure their charge is not released at the wrong time. The consequences of that would be disastrous.”

Need pauses for added effect. She stares at me with her opaque eyes as if to ensure I understand the gravity of what she’s saying before she continues. “Now, you’ve undoubtedly begun to feel the pull of your key towards the Destroyer you’ve been chosen to watch over.”

At that, my eyes widen and dart over to my left wrist. Perceptive as ever, Need smiles knowingly. It’s eery, not knowing where her eyes are looking.

“A Keeper and their Creator or Destroyer are bound by fate. You are drawn to each other by the energy between the key and the collar. The bond makes it so you will find each other when it is decided the Creator or Destroyer is needed.”

I’m a bit irked at hearing someone is choosing my destiny. I’ve never been one to believe in fate, but if there’s a mystical puppet master up in the universe, I have some choice words for them.

Forgetting that I’m supposed to be trying not to be crushed by this evidently very powerful ghost, I ask, “But who decides anything?”

“That is not something for you to concern yourself with,” Need answers. I frown.

I’m pretty sure Need just rolled her eyes at me, even though I can’t tell for sure. She continues, her tone now reeking of condescension. “There is a council of us.” And like a skilled politician, she layers on her assurances thickly. “We are beings of great power, and our duty is to watch over the realms and maintain the balance. Your soul took our notice in a previous life, and it was decided that you would become our next Keeper when the time arose.”

The mention of my past life brings me pause, but I squish that thought down and focus on my current life. Hopefully, there will be room to get more answers later.

Need said, I hold the key to a Destroyer. Frankly, I’m not keen on unleashing death and destruction on innocents. No matter what supernatural creature thinks it’s a good idea. “But why now?”

At my question, Need’s expression changes to one that’s uncomfortable, if not a bit embarrassed. Her discomfort is quickly masked behind a cool façade of superiority.

“This is a bit of a delicate situation, and it requires some urgency. You see, one of our Council members has decided to leave the Council. She holds the key to our oldest Destroyer and has taken it with her. We are worried that she will use the key and unleash the Destroyer onto the realms. She is a dark being. There is some political discord going through the Council. Webelieve this may be a power play to place the realms permanently into darkness.” Need’s face crinkles in disgust as if the mere thought of having an unbalanced world might make her lose her lunch.

“And that, dear child, is where you come in.” Need continues. “You must find your Destroyer, and together find the disgraced council member – she is called Morgana and her Destroyer. Once you’ve found them, you must unleash your Destroyer. It is the only way to end the life of the Destroyer she is commanding.”

The blood drains from my face. “You want me to kill someone?”

Need’s façade of calm fractures. “Not someone – something. The Destroyer is a weapon. This is a necessary evil. We cannot allow someone entrenched in darkness to have unlimited access to such power.” She storms up to stand in front of me before continuing.

“Think Vivian. Think of the damage they can enact on yourfragile -” she emphasizes the word “world. This being can kill everyone you love with a thought. They can begin a new world war or cause major earthquakes at every fault line. And they will do it, Vivian. It’s what they are.” Her tone is urging, and she holds obvious distaste for the creatures she controls.

I think of my friends, of the life I’ve built for myself. A major earthquake could cause a tsunami that would wipe this entire town out of existence.