Page 45 of Creation's Captive

Closing my mouth, I sit back at the edge of my bed, trying to look relaxed. This ghost just spoke. She spoke, and she knew me.

We are on a whole new playing field.

I ignore the obvious tremble in my voice when I answer her. “Hello, uhm – who are you, and why are you in my apartment?”

There’s something off about this ghost. She seems – more solid. Like the ghosts I’m used to, she’s glowing, only the light coming off her is a bright white that shimmers off her skin.

The ghost-ish woman slowly comes to stand before my bed, her long white dress billowing around her. She has long, nearly white hair, and it’s braided down one of her shoulders.

I’d make a crack about the ghost being an Elsa-wannabe were it not for her eyes. They are completely white, reinforcing my thought that this is no ordinary ghost.

Maybe she’s another boss-level ghost?

If that’s the case, then I’m betting she’s at an even higher level than the original ghost girl.

“We met earlier, though I don’t believe that form of communication will do. I’ve been meaning to contact you for quite some time now. It’s always a bit difficult to pinpoint Keepers when they start out. But when you opened the portal, I was able to spot you immediately.” The ghost woman serenely folds her hands before her, knowing I’ll have more questions.

“I – wait, what? I didn’t open any portals?” I’m confused. There’s a lot to unpack here, but that comment got my attention. I immediately have a mental picture of swirling circles and people walking through them.

I can confirm there are definitely no portals here.

“Yes, the board you made was infused with your energy. And when you asked for someone to come through – I heard your call in the Otherworld, loud and clear. I’m sure many other realms heard, too.”

I want to ask about the Otherworld but stop myself. First things first, I need to know who this ghost woman is and if she’s dangerous. My body is on high alert, and the hair on the back of my neck is standing upright. I’m not sure if it’s because the ghost can speak, but I’m getting some major fight-or-flight vibes, and at this moment, I’m leaning toward flight.

Which begs the question, how do you outrun a ghost?

What did they use in the movie to banish ghosts? Holy water? Sage? I suspect that no amount of smoke will make this ghost leave before she feels like it. There’s an aura around her that radiates something. It feels like power or authority.

I choose my following questions carefully. “Who are you, and why have you been looking for me?”

“Of course, you must not have realized we’ve already been introduced. I am Need, and I’ve been looking for you because you’re holding on to something very important.”

Need takes in my utterly flabbergasted expression before continuing. “Apologies, it’s been some time since I’ve had a new Keeper.” She pauses as if trying to figure out where to start before diving in. “You see, theuniverse depends on balance. Good and bad. Dark and light. Without balance, we would fall into chaos and ruin. Keeping this balance is my duty. I watch the realms and ascertain when the scales are tipping too far from one side to another.”

I nod to let her know I’m keeping up. She continues, “When that happens, I send in one of my agents — either a Creator or a Destroyer. Creators help bring humanity into new, bright eras. The Renaissance, modern medicine and the ability to write were all sparked by my Creators. However, when enlightenment has gone too far, and the scales are tipped too far into the light, I send in a Destroyer. They bring down civilizations, spark plagues, and cause natural disasters.”

“Both are beings of absolute power. A single Destroyer could erupt every volcano on your planet with just a thought. As a safety precaution, we keep their power bound. We collar them. The collars were forged so that Creators and Destroyers could only access their powers when the lock on their collar was opened. And when they are not needed, we put them to sleep, somewhere far out of humanity’s reach, lest they are found.”

I digest Need’s words. This all sounds like too much for my world. Even after all my experiences with the paranormal, I’m not sure I can buy into all-powerful beings and magic collars.

Maybe this is the ghost version of a pyramid scheme pitch. They make you believe some crazy, outlandish claim. All this ghost is missing is the hook where she tries to get me to recruit ten boss mortals.

Need watches me closely, assessing my reaction. I try not to be too obvious about my doubts, but even with her opaque eyes, I’m guessing Need can see clearly and isn’t going to pretend otherwise. “I can see you aren’t fully convinced.”

I look at my rug and clear my throat, now carefully choosing my words. I’m trying really hard not to offend her. “I mean no disrespect. The thing is.” I pause, hoping this won’t come off as insulting. “This all sounds a bit crazy.”

Please don’t go all freaky faceless on me and try to eat me.

The ghost woman – Need, arches an eyebrow, a smile tugging at her lips as if someone not believing what she says is absurd to her.

“Such a mortal thing to say.” She starts, her head tilting slightly to the side as she considers me.

At this angle, she resembles a child looking at a bug and wondering whether or not to step on it.

I would love not to be crushed. That would be ideal.

“It’s not enough to have a spiritual being of great power appear in your house. You needproof.” She doesn’t raise her voice, but I flinch anyway. She doesn’t sound too pleased with me.