Page 6 of Sorting Out

Gray was removing a pan from the oven when Jack reached the kitchen. Even with all the tension between them, Jack couldn’t help but admire his lover’s ass. He wanted to run his hands over it; hell he wanted to run his tongue over it. If only they could just fuck and forget all this talking nonsense. Gray communicated much better with his body than with words, but there were only so many details they could work out in bed.

Gray didn’t realize Jack was there, so Jack kept watching him.

“Shit,” Gray yelled as he almost dropped the pan of…were those cinnamon rolls? Jack took a deep breath. Yes, they were. They looked like the ones from a can, but for Gray that was a major accomplishment. Jack’s chest tightened at the idea of Gray making him his favorite breakfast. There was simply no better way to start the day than with cinnamon rolls.


The big man jumped and turned around, trying to block the pan with his body. “I didn’t know you were up.”

“I thought you would have heard the shower, but I guess you were distracted. You really made cinnamon rolls?”

“Um…yeah. I knew you liked them. They’re not from scratch or anything like yours, but…”

Jack crossed the kitchen, wrapped his arms around Gray, and kissed him, ending the need for either of them to speak. Gray kissed him back, his longing obvious. He clung to Jack like he was afraid Jack would run if he didn’t. Jack pulled back just enough to murmur “love you” before slipping his tongue between Gray’s lips, tasting him, sucking on his tongue. Jack slid his hands up and down Gray’s back, trying to let him know that no matter what, Jack wasn’t going to run.

Several moments later, Gray pulled away. He took a step backward, then hissed.

Jack reached for him. “Shit, did you burn yourself?”

“I’m fine.” Gray rubbed at his back where it had touched the hot pan. “I guess we should eat these.”

“Can I eat you later?” Jack asked.

His words brought a smile to Gray’s face. “I’m okay with being an appetizer.”

Jack wanted to take him up on that, sink to his knees and suck Gray off, but as good as it would be, sex wasn’t going to fix things between them. “Very tempting, but we should eat the cinnamon rolls while they’re hot.” Despite how he’d been feeling when he first woke up, he was suddenly ravenous.

Gray smiled. “Sit down, and I’ll get us plates and coffee.”

Jack grabbed an oven mitt and set the pan of cinnamon rolls on a trivet on the bar. Gray served the coffee and put a plate in front of Jack and one at the place next to him. Then he hovered, looking uncertain.

“Sit down and eat something,” Jack admonished.

“Okay.” He walked around the counter and sat on the stool next to Jack’s. They stared at each other in silence for several long seconds. “I love you.”

Jack took hold of Gray’s hand. “I love you too. We’ll figure this out.”

“You were so angry last night. I thought maybe…”

Jack shook his head frantically and grabbed his hand, squeezing. “No. I… I worried too but no. We’re going to work this out.”

Gray nodded and grabbed a cinnamon roll. They each devoured several of the sweet confections. After polishing off his first cup of coffee, Jack said, “How could we have forgotten that Mason has a big test today?”

Gray shook his head. “If he doesn’t do well, it’s going to be our fault, my fault really. He told me to talk to you.”

“You’re stubborn, and on this, I’m stubborn too. I can’t keep holding you back. I know that.”

“You’re not?—”

“Gray, you would have a detective shield by now if you weren’t partnered with me.”

Gray shrugged. “We work well together.”

“We do. And I don’t want to give that up, but I’m being selfish.”

“I need to move on, and so do you. I wish we could do that together and maybe we could but?—”

“You’d rather be able to live openly. I get that. I’m just…scared.”