Page 5 of Sorting Out

“You need to go to bed, sleep this off, and talk to me and Gray in the morning.”

He shook his head, which only made him dizzier. “Can’t sleep like this.”

“I’ll help. Come on.” Mason tugged him down the hall toward the bedroom.

“You said we couldn’t fuck without Gray.”

Mason laughed. “There are other ways to help you sleep.”

Jack pondered that thought as Mason helped him undress and tucked him in bed. Then Mason slid in beside Jack and pushed him over onto his stomach.

“Mason?” his voice shook. He knew Mason was right. They couldn’t sleep together without Gray there, but he wanted Mason, so much. He shivered when Mason ran a hand across his naked back.

“Easy,” Mason said, his voice low. “I’m just going to help you sleep.” He rubbed Jack’s back, his hands moving slowly in a circular motion.

At first Jack remained tense. His body wanted more than the teasing caresses Mason was giving him, but Mason kept up the slow, hypnotic touch, and eventually, he relaxed and let his body sink into the mattress. Mason must have recognized the change, because he slid his hand up to Jack’s shoulder and deepened his touch, massaging him, working loose more of his tension.

Jack sighed. “So good.”

“Just let it go,” Mason whispered.

Jack wanted to let go of all his fears and Mason was helping him more than he would have thought possible, but nothing ever helped like Gray topping him. What if he never…

“Jack, whatever you’re thinking about, stop. This isn’t the time for it. It’s time to sleep. Just give in.” His voice was low, soothing, and Jack wanted to listen to it more.

“Talk to me. Tell me about your day, about anything, anything at all.”

Mason did. Jack didn’t really hear the words, just his tone. Mason’s voice and his hands on Jack’s back helped him drift off to sleep.

The next thing Jack knew, an alarm was drilling itself into his head. His mouth was so dry he had to pry his lips apart, and if the noise didn’t stop soon, his eyeballs were going to pop out from the throbbing in his head. He raised his head, but nausea curled in his stomach making him lie back down “Wh-what’s that?”

“Mason’s phone.”

Gray. Jack tried to remember why Gray wasn’t supposed to be there, but he gave up when the noise stopped. He started to drift off again, but the conversation between his boyfriends distracted him.

“Why the fuck is it set for four AM?”

“I’ve got to study,” Mason said.

“Oh fuck, you’ve got a test today.” Gray again.


Gray groaned. “I knew that. I really fucked this up for you, didn’t I?”

“Just hold Jack, and let me study. That will make up for it.”

How could Jack have forgotten Mason had an important chemistry test? Had he studied at all after he’d put Jack to bed? He wanted to apologize and offer to make him breakfast, but at the thought of breakfast, his stomach twisted, and he had to take slow careful breaths to settle it.

When Gray pressed his big warm body against Jack and kissed the top of his head, he decided not to move until he absolutely had to. Gray made a warm cocoon around him, and he couldn’t be tense or angry when he was so well loved. He had to sleep now, because once he let himself really wake up, all that would change.


When he woke again, both of his men were gone. He managed to lift his head and read the clock. Ten AM. Mason would have already left for class, but Gray might be home. Jack couldn’t decide whether he’d rather see Gray or avoid him. Then the clatter of something in the kitchen let him know he wasn’t alone. He forced himself to sit up despite his pounding head. Gray should not be attempting to make himself breakfast, especially not something involving pots and pans.

The bottle of ibuprofen was still on the nightstand. Jack tried to calculate how long it had been since he’d taken some, then gave up, poured three into his hand, and dry swallowed them. His stomach considered revolting, but a few seconds of being utterly still tipped the balance toward them staying down.

He brushed his teeth to remove the skunky taste from his mouth. Then he took a quick shower, hoping to make it to the kitchen before Gray burned it down. When he was clean and somewhat more awake, he headed down the hall, heart pounding, not at all sure of the reception he’d get from Gray.