Page 33 of Sorting Out

“Fine, he’s right. I can put people at ease, and I like talking to kids. I want to help them.”

“Then find a way to do that,” Mason said.

“It’s not that easy.”

“Maybe. Maybe not. You’ve got at least another month off, and you’re strong enough to move around now. Find something to do other than moping around all day, and make it something that helps kids.”

Jack stared at Mason. He rarely saw this take-charge side of his lover, and he had to admit, he liked it. A lot. Mason almost had him convinced changing his life would be easy.

“What else are you good at?” Mason asked. “Don’t limit yourself to things you can do as a cop.”

Jack gave the obvious answer. “Cooking.”

“Then get to work cooking us some of those fine meals we’ve been missing,” Gray said.

Mason scowled at him, and Jack just shook his head. “I don’t know if I can. I’m still so tired all the time.”

“Is that what you tell that hot little therapist?” Gray asked.

“No.” Why couldn’t they just leave him alone?

Because they love you, that’s why.

“I don’t hear you denying that he’s hot.”

Jack grinned. He knew Gray wasn’t really jealous. He was simply trying to rile Jack up. “I suppose he is, but today was the first time I’ve gotten hard for anyone since I got shot, and it was all for you.”

Gray sucked in his breath. “Really?”

“Really. I told you before, I haven’t been interested in sex. I know that probably means I’m depressed. I know I need help, and you’re right. I can’t just keep lying here.”

Mason squeezed his thigh. “So figure out a way to do something you’re passionate about.”

Jack grinned at him and looked down at his lover’s hand. “I’m passionate about you two making me come.”

“Now you sound like our Jack again.” Gray was smiling but something in his tone let Jack know he’d been truly scared Jack wasn’t ever going to be himself again. Jack had been scared of that too.

He reached for Gray’s hand. “I want you.” He looked over at Mason. “Both of you.”


Gray tilted his head and studied Jack. “Hmmm. I’m just not sure you’re really ready.”

“You damn well better finish what you started earlier,” Jack said, bolder than he’d usually be in bed with Gray.

“What did you say, boy?”

“Uh oh,” Mason whispered, his lips close to Jack’s ear.

Gray glared at Mason, then at Jack.

“Touch me, please. I need you.”

“You need a spanking.”

“I do, but I’m not ready for that.” Jack reached for Mason. His body screamed in protest at the twisting motion he’d made, but he was sick of babying himself. Gray and Mason had broken through the barrier he’d put up around himself and made him remember why he loved them so much, and he wasn’t going to let go of that feeling. Had he been waiting for them to cometo him, to seek him out? Not consciously, but deep inside he needed that reassurance.

“Whatever you’re thinking about, stop it,” Mason whispered. He licked the edge of Jack’s ear and nuzzled his neck. Jack leaned back against the couch and sighed.