Page 34 of Sorting Out

“Mason,” Gray’s voice was more of a growl.

Mason stopped kissing Jack long enough to say. “You’ve been wanting this as much as I have. We can be gentle with him.”

Gray didn’t say anything, but he dropped to his knees in front of Jack.

He lifted the waist of Jack’s sweatpants so he could pull them down enough to expose Jack’s cock. His movements were slow and achingly gentle.

“I won’t break,” Jack said, his voice choked with emotion. How had he not realized how much he needed this?

“You didn’t see yourself lying there bleeding, not responding to me, pale, lifeless. I’ve seen you break, and I won’t let it happen again.”

“It wasn’t your fault,” Jack said.

Mason leaned forward so he could kiss Gray. “Jack’s okay. We just have to help him see that.”

Gray nodded. “I know, but I…”

“You won’t hurt me, Gray. You always know exactly what I can take.”

Gray drew in a shuddery breath. He slid Jack’s shirt up with exquisite care, his hands barely touching Jack. Then he graspedJack’s cock and flicked his tongue across the tip. It was all Jack could do not to arch into his touch. “Fuck.”

Gray pulled back. “Don’t move.”

“I… I’m trying.”

“I’ll distract him,” Mason said.

Mason kissed him again, and their tongues tangled. Jack reveled in the taste of him. Gray stopped teasing his slit and swallowed him down, sucking, licking, working magic that had Jack rushing right to the edge way too fast. He wanted to thrust up into Gray, to fuck his hot mouth, but he couldn’t move without pain. Gray held his hips, gently, and Jack wasn’t about to try to fight that hold.

When Mason finally released Jack’s mouth to spread kisses over his throat and collarbone, Jack took a painful gulp of air. “Gonna come. Can’t. Stay. Still. Please.”

Mason slid off the couch and joined Gray on the floor. Gray pushed at Jack’s legs, opening them wider. Gray released his cock and started tonguing his balls while Mason slid his tongue up and down Jack’s shaft. They tormented him, and he had to keep still. He gave up trying to hold himself back. “More. Faster. Please!”

Both men lapped at his shaft. He watched, wide-eyed, as their tongues entwined around him. “So hot. God, so hot.”

Gray stroked his length as Mason pushed his tongue into Jack’s slit. All the lust Jack had kept pent up for weeks shot down his spine in a burning rush. His balls drew up, and he tensed, muscles going rigid. Too much. He wouldn’t survive. Getting shot was nothing compared to this. He was burning, ready toexplode, going to… His orgasm hit, and he chanted his lovers’ names as his dick pulsed again and again. Mason and Gray licked and slurped at him, getting cum all over their faces and hands. Mason closed his eyes and licked his lips, and the sight brought another spasm from Jack when he’d thought he was thoroughly spent.

Mason and Gray licked and cleaned him until any touch on sensitive flesh made him whimper. Then they sat up and kissed him, both at the same time. Tasting himself on them, knowing they loved him, that they had needed this as badly as he had, that they’d still be here no matter what he wanted to do with his future was even better than the cataclysmic orgasm they’d wrung from him.

“Love you,” he murmured the words over and over. When they finally sat back, he realized that they’d focused solely on him. “What about you?” he asked.

Mason’s cheeks reddened. “Um. I kind of came in my pants.”

Jack grinned and glanced at Gray. His face was even redder than Mason’s.

“You too?” Jack asked.

“It’s been a long fucking time, okay?”

Jack frowned. “You mean you two…you haven’t been…while I was ignoring you?”

“Now you admit you were ignoring us?” Gray growled.

“I was scared, okay?”

Mason petted his arm. “It’s okay. We’ll make up for it. I’m sure.”

“Did you seriously abstain because I wasn’t there?”