Page 15 of Sorting Out

Mason nodded. “It fucking sucks that they have to be such Neanderthals.”

“Yeah,” Jack agreed, “but some of those Neanderthals go to Nathan’s and plenty more are friends with some of the regulars.”

“I know, but if I cared what everyone thought of me, I’d have gone to law school like my parents wanted. I got over the weirdness of being a threesome months ago. We’re right for each other, all of us.”

As Gray leaned down and kissed Mason, Jack’s heart pounded. Mason really did want this too, no matter the consequences.

“Jack?” Mason was looking at him questioningly.

“I…this isn’t easy for me. My brother knows I’m with Gray, and he’s fine with it. My parents… I don’t know what they’ll do. Part of me thinks they’ll be disappointed, but they’ll stick by me, and part of me is afraid I won’t be welcome at home anymore. But if I am, I want them to meet you.”

Gray leaned over Mason so he could kiss Jack. His lips were gentle, reassuring. “We can take things slow. We don’t have to have a big coming out party the second I get promoted, assuming I even get the detective position. And we don’t have to tell our families right away either.”

Jack shook his head. “I’ll have to tell mine or risk them hearing it from someone, especially since my cousin works at the courthouse.”

Gray frowned. “I guess you’re right.” Gray’s mom had passed away a few years ago, and his father had never been in his life, so family wasn’t an issue for him.

Jack didn’t want to live the rest of his life without being honest with his family, his friends, but…he took a long slow breath. “I want this. I do. I’m just all shaken up by it.” He was supposed to be the calm one, the happy-go-lucky guy who could get people to talk to him, even kids, despite his being a cop, but right now with him feeling uncertain about work, about Gray becoming a detective, about where that left him, about telling the world he was gay—well maybe not the world, but the most important people in his life—he didn’t feel calm at all. He felt like he might have a total meltdown. He pulled away from his lovers.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Gray asked.

“I don’t know.” He shrugged. “The kitchen. I might bake a cake or something.”

Gray looked at Jack like he’d lost his mind. “It’s one AM.”

“I’m just…”

“Lie down,” he ordered. “I didn’t do all that work relaxing you just to have you freak out a few hours later.”

“I…” Jack looked at Gray and then at Mason. Their love for him showed on both their faces. He remembered the feel of Gray’s hand cracking against his ass and the sting of the cane making him cry out. The beauty of Mason’s surrender, and the way hewanted nothing more than to put his lips around Jack’s cock and bring him pleasure. His men were so incredible. He was so lucky.

“Do you want to be in the middle?” Mason asked.

Jack nodded. That was what he needed, to be surrounded by his men and held so he couldn’t run no matter how scared he got.

Jack woke to light streaming in the window. He hadn’t thought he’d sleep, but obviously he’d been wrong. He was hot and sweaty from being in such close contact with his lovers, and Gray’s bulk squashed him into the mattress, constricting his lungs, but despite the discomfort, he couldn’t think of a better way to wake up.

Well…maybe he could, but since both his men were still sleeping, he would have to be on the giving end for a wakeup blowjob. As he contemplated which of them he should start with, Gray stirred. He rolled to his back, and Jack ran a hand over his furred chest, flicking his nipple.

Gray growled. “Breakfast.”

Jack reached under the covers and wrapped a hand around Gray’s cock. “I’ll take mine in liquid form.”

“I never had dinner,” Gray protested.

Jack thought back to the evening, and as he did so, his stomach growled. “I guess I didn’t either.

“Hmm?” Mason looked adorable with his hair standing up and his eyes all squinty.

“Gray would rather have breakfast than a blowjob.”

“I didn’t have dinner last night.” Gray sounded exasperated.

Jack laughed. “Fine. Let’s all get dressed and go to Elmer’s.”

That brought a smile to Gray’s face. “Mmm. Biscuits and gravy. And eggs and bacon and…”

Elmer’s diner was a short walk from their house, and they’d all been eating there since before they’d met.