Page 16 of Sorting Out

Mason kicked the covers off and pushed himself to a sitting position. “As long as they’ve got lots and lots of coffee. I think I can make it.”

“Coffee and chocolate chip pancakes,” Jack said. “You always order those.”

“They’re delicious.”

“They’re on the menu for kids.”

“Nope, they are listed on the regular menu; that means they’re for grownups.”

Jack leaned over and kissed him. He hadn’t felt this good in a long time. The three of them showered. Not together since Gray insisted he’d never get them to breakfast if they started rubbing their naked selves all over each other. Once they were dressed, they headed up the street toward chocolate chip pancake goodness. Jack thought how nice it would be if they could hold hands. Their neighborhood was generally populated with progressive people, and he’d seen plenty of same-sex couples walking hand-in-hand down their street; never a threesome, but he didn’t think they’d cause an enormous stir.

When they reached the restaurant and were seated, Gray and Mason ordered predictably, but Jack decided to try the Elmer’s version of Eggs Benedict instead of his usual waffle. Gray looked at him like he’d lost his mind, but Jack just grinned. “Change is supposed to be good, right?”

Gray frowned. “It can be, but you love the waffles here.”

Jack shrugged. “I love Eggs Benedict too.”

“And I love you,” Gray said. Jack glanced around. The restaurant was crowded and noisy. A toddler was crying at the next table; probably no one had heard Gray’s indiscreet declaration.

Mason reached for Jack’s hand under the table and squeezed it. “I love you too,” he said in a lower voice. “And I want to say it out loud in a restaurant or wherever else the mood strikes me. That’s what this is all about.”

Jack nodded. Mason started to pull his hand away, but Jack didn’t let him. It would be nice to be there as a threesome. To be able to say what they wanted without being afraid, not to have to pretend they were just friends. This was their neighborhood diner. They shouldn’t have to be careful here. “You’re right. That would be nice.”

Gray nodded; then Jack looked at Mason and he nodded too. Jack drew in a deep breath and said, “I’m not going anywhere, no matter how tough this process gets. I just wish I knew what to do about work.”

“Did you call the counselor like I told you to?” Gray asked.

Mason frowned. “Counselor? To talk about coming out at work?”

“Maybe eventually,” Gray responded. “But right now?—”

Jack raised a hand and Gray stopped. “I’ll tell him.”

Mason’s eyes were filled with concern. “What’s wrong?”

“A few days ago, we saw two guys breaking into a car. I should have called out to them, but I froze. Gray had to take over. I only snapped back once I realized he was chasing them. I…I don’t think I’m over what happened last spring when you were held hostage.”

“I’m fine.”

“I know. But seeing you held at gunpoint fucked me up. Maybe I’m not really supposed to be a cop after all.”

“Don’t say that.” Gray banged his fist on the table. This time he did draw attention from a few neighboring tables.

Mason reached across the table and laid his hand over Gray’s. He pulled free of Mason’s touch, downed about half his mug of coffee, then pinned Jack with his interrogator gaze. “You put people at ease. You’re friendly even when you’re shooing kids out of a parking lot or making them stop their infernal skateboarding in the park. Actually, you’re especially calm then. People want to do what you say, because they like you. We need people on the force who have that kind of presence. So you got shaken up? It happens. You can work through this.”

“What if I can’t?”

Gray snarled. “Would you listen to me?”

“Fine. I’ll call. I just don’t want to…”

“Sound like you’re crazy?” Mason asked.

Jack nodded. “Yeah, that.” It was eerie how easily Mason could decode Jack’s thoughts.

“It’s not crazy to be jumpy after what happened. I felt sick going into work for weeks.”

“But you’re fine now, aren’t you?” Jack asked. Mason sure seemed together, not at all shaken up like Jack was every time he put on his uniform.