“Come in,” says the voice on the other side.

I open it. The Kaleidian is sitting at his computer and typing into it. Without looking up, he gestures to the chair across from his desk.

When I take my seat, he looks up. “Any luck?” he asks, raising his eyebrows.

I can’t help the grin that spreads across my face. “I found her and found out that I’m a father now.”

This gets his attention. He turns to face me. “Congratulations. You’ll be an excellent mate and father.” My comms beep, and I see that he’s already put me on anothermission, this one on a faraway planet. I need a passcode to access the rest.


“I’m going to offer you a choice. I tapped you for this mission because I think you’d be the right guy for the job, but the fact that you’re a father now changes things. I can give you the passcode and let you access the files, or I can take you off the mission.”

I’ll admit that for a minute, I’m curious. Where does he want to send me and why? What kind of action would I see? But then I remember Tania and Armani’s faces, the crestfallen look my fated mate had when I told her that I had to report back to command.

I could be gone for months. Years. I would miss so much of Armani’s life. Worst of all, Tania would spend the entire time worrying about me and my safety. I once made the mistake of choosing my career over love; there is no way I’m doing it again.

I close the hologram on my comms. “That was something I actually wanted to talk to you about, sir. I would like to have a permanent position on Glimner.”

He hums thoughtfully, neither approving nor disapproving. “You’re one of the best soldiers I have. Glimner is a cushy job. No major conflicts or wars. Talents like yours will be wasted there.”

“With all due respect, sir, my fated mate and my baby are my life now. I’ll be exactly where I’m most needed.”

“You’ll get bored. I’ve seen it. Soldiers like you will request a permanent position somewhere cushy to be with some girl they meet only to come crawling back in about a year begging for more action.”

I shake my head. “We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. Right now, though, I’m needed down there.”

He shrugs. “Fine. We’ll see how you feel in a year, but for now, I’ll pull some strings to get you a permanent post on Glimner.”

“Thank you, sir.”

He waves me off with a grunt. “Go enjoy your family.”

I meet Danel at the bar. He’s already ordered me a shot of Pan-Galactic Gargleblaster. We clink the glasses together and take a drink.

“How did it go?” Danel asks, shaking his head at the burn in his throat.

“Not bad. He agreed to let me have a permanent position on Glimner, but thinks I’ll get bored after a year.”

The bartender brings up some Vakutan beer, something to sip after the shot. Danel takes a swig before speaking again. “Are you worried about that?”

I shake my head. “Nah. I like the action, but that doesn’t matter anymore. When I held Armani for the first time, all my priorities changed.”

He nods. “Then, I think you’ll be fine. If you get too bored, you can just clean up the various gangs that run the place.”

I tip my glass at him. “Good point.” The beer tastes significantly better than the shot. “Have you heard from Brigid? I was in so much of a hurry to get to Glimner that I couldn’t stay to make sure she was set up somewhere nice.”

Danel grins. “Believe it or not, she and Dalex Arn have a lot in common. After you left, they got to talking, and last I heard, they’re dating. He’s helping her get a house, job, and Kaleidian citizenship.”

“You’re joking.”

He pulls up his comms and shows me a picture of Brigid and Dalex standing on a Kaleidian beach. “They sent me this last week.”

“I’m happy for them.” I take another swig of beer. “How have you been holding up without me saving your ass every five minutes? How’s the leg?”

He smirks. “Just fine, thanks. The docs say my leg should be back to normal with just a little more sunlight and PT.” He drains his glass. “So, I’m guessing you’re heading back tomorrow.”

I nod. “I just have to make some calls for housing arrangements and to get my things shipped here.”