“I’ll go with you.”

I raise my eyebrows. “You don’t have to—”

“I want to meet my niece and future sister-in-law. Next week, I’m shipping out on a mission, so tomorrow is our best chance.”

I spend the rest of the day making calls to real estate agents, movers, and my parents, the latter of which to update them on everything that’s going on. I find and snap up a fully furnished apartment in the nicer side of town, one near some textile factories. Finally, I call Tania and give her an address to meet me at tomorrow.

The next morning, Danel and I take the first flight home. I pick up the key to the apartment and wait outside the building. Finally, I spot her walking down the street pushing Armani’s stroller and wave to her.

She waves back and picks up speed to meet us. First, she runs to me and throws her arms around my shoulders, kissing me like we’d been apart for years instead of just a day.

Danel clears his throat. Looking sheepish, Tania lets go and slips down. “Hi, sorry for ignoring you. Are you a friend of Garet?”

“I’m his brother, Danel. You must be Tania.” He kneels down so that he’s eye level with the sleeping baby. “And this must be my niece. Garet wasn’t lying. She really is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Oh, Danel!” she exclaims, giving him a hug. “Garet didn’t say you’d be with him.”

“Well, I don’t know if you know this yet, but Garet loves surprises. Right, bro?” He elbows me playfully in the ribs.

“Right. Speaking of…” Turning to the apartment building, I gesture for us to go inside. Tania exchanges a confused glance with Danel, who just shrugs. We take the elevator to the third floor, and I open the door to a fully furnished four-bedroom apartment.

Her eyes widen. “Is this your new place?”

I smile. “I was thinking it would beournew place. There’s a bedroom for Armani and two for guests, plus a pullout couch. We can have a life here.”

Getting to my knees, I take Tania’s hands. “And I want that. I want to build a life with you. Will you become my official mate with a mating ceremony?”

She throws her arms around my shoulders, kissing me hard on the lips. I feel her tongue work its way into my mouth, and I part my teeth to welcome it inside. Eventually, she comes up for air with a small gasp.

I grin. “So, I take that as a yes?”

“Of course. I love you, Garet.”

“I love you too.”

Behind us, Armani squawks and whines, clearly waking from her nap and disapproving of the situation. Danel chuckles. “I couldn’t have said it better myself.”

We spend the rest of the day moving Tania and Armani’s things into the apartment. My personal effects shouldn’t arrive for another week. Danel will be leaving tomorrow, so he does what he can in the meantime to help before he goes. We eat dinner together, and exhausted from the day’s activities, go to bed early.

“Garet,” Tania says as she crawls into our bed for the first time.


“Is this a dream?”

I pull her close and press a kiss to the top of her head. “All this is real. And it’s all yours. You deserve it.”



After Danel leaves I’m free to take it all in. Garet being permanently stationed on Glimner was the best news. For Armani, it means that her father will be around now. And for me... well, it means I have my mate. Finally.

That thought penetrates my mind the way nothing else could. It fills me with a sense of hope and contentment.

The thought of being together with Garet forever sends a shiver down my spine, stirring up emotions within me that I never knew existed. As our lips finally part from their passionate kiss, he nuzzles my neck as he rests his chin on my shoulder contentedly.

His strong arms wrap around me, locking me in a tight embrace that speaks volumes about how much he cares for me. He's always been protective but now it feels different - more possessive, more intimate. It's as if he's saying that he wants to keep me all to himself forever. And I couldn't agree more.