“I can’t!” she yelps, gripping herself together.

“Think about it like this Brigid. All that’s standing between us and a ride out of here, between me and a love so pure it was written on the stars, is you. Will you keep me from her?”

“No,” she says, dropping her shoulders.

“I need you to be brave one more time.”

She’s utterly brilliant as soon as the door opens. We’re lucky enough to find a cleaning cart by the elevators, and with her leading the way, I manage to get Danel and Dalex Arn into the lift.

“We need roof access,” Arn notices, taking us to the top floor. We’ll need to be in the open air to catch the dust off without arousing fire from the Vatukans. Danel and Arn are too injured to camouflage, so no matter what, we do this the old fashioned way.

I assure him as the elevator weighs us to the top. “Brigid’s on it.”

As the bell dings and the doors open, we all breathe easy that at least no one’s waiting on the other side.

Brigid takes the lead, squeaking her cart into motion towards the roof access stairs. As she rounds the corner I hear her clear her throat.

That’s it. Go time.

I sneak up behind her cart, grabbing the mop right from the cart I swing it towards the Vatukan’s face.

“Gah!” he yelps as he falls backward against the wall. His neck pops gently between my hands sending him to a mercifully silent death seconds later. Brigid looks ready to scream, but I hold up my hand to shush her.

“We’re almost there,” I tell her, stripping the man of his sidearm. Arn helps my brother cross the threshold to the roof stairs.

“Hey! What are you doing up here.”

Fuck. We’ve been spotted.

“Everyone! Move!” I demand whatever energy I can from this team of ragtag misfits. We’re not exactly fighting fit, but I need scarcely a minute more before help arrives. A minute to keep them alive.

I reach the roof access door just as the bullets start flying. Kicking the door free of its hinges I push Brigid through. Danel makes it across the threshold, but Arn isn’t so lucky.

“Argh!” he yelps as a plasma bullet swipes his shoulder, sending blood smearing across my face. From over his shoulder, I pull the plasma handgun and fire two rounds cleanly into the men behind us.

Thuds hit the floor one by one.

Brigid looks relieved, “Are we safe now?”

“No,” I confess. No need to waste time with anything less than the truth. “But it will buy us some time. Help me with Arn.”

Brigid looks out for my companion, nesting his head in her lap. She tugs at her worker’s uniform, trying to rip the fabric to fashion him a bandage. I bend down, grabbing the fabric for her. It comes to pieces under my strength to form a makeshift bandage for Arn.

From beyond the stairwell, the clamor of running feet comes closer. I’m running out of time. I have to hold them off. I have to get us out of here.

Suddenly, lights flood the scene from overhead. Just as the Vatukan emerge from the roof stairwell, plasma sniper rounds beam into their heads dropping them one by one.

“Let's move out!” My comrade calls from inside the hover-chopper. With his help, we manage Arm and Danel into slings and hoist them into the craft. Brigid looks terrified as more Vatukans come running toward us.

Grabbing her around the waist, I realize we’re out of time. With all my might I rush towards the chopper. Using whatever energy I have left in my spines, I make the jump of my life throwing us both into the cab. Within seconds the hover engine sends us up, and somehow, we’re home free.

“What isit with you and rescuing humans?” My C.O. smiles, digging into my shoulder with an affectionate grasp as soon as we’re back safely.

“Hey she might not look like much, but these Kaleidiands wouldn't be here if it weren’t for that human.” Brigid looks proud from the sidelines, tending Arn’s shoulder with a med-pak.

“Is that so?” He schemes, looking her over.

“That's right sir,” I confirm with my arms behind my back. “You know, she’s in need of a job.”