“What the fuck was that?”

We talk through the night, discussing what my next move should be. There are so many unanswered questions, and so many details are up in the air. I hate having my life feel so nebulous, so abstract. I like knowing what I’m going to do and what my options are.

So many questions, and none of them have answers.

I need a place to live. There are some apartments on the south side of town. They’re cheap, but they’re also ratty and run down. Not exactly the best place to raise a child, but if anything, it should just be temporary.

I really don’t want to touch the money I’ve saved. That will have to be my safety net for after the baby arrives. I won’t be able to work for a month or two, so I need that money.

But that also means I need to find a job as soon as possible. Preferably one that pays cash and doesn’t care that I’m going to have a baby.

Right now, the entire world feels so dark, desolate, and empty. The future is a cloudy haze of uncertainty.

I love everything that Alice has done for me, and the burger in my mouth improves my head space by miles. Still, I can’t fight the feeling that if Garet would here, things would be a thousand times better.

Like when he found me in that jungle, he’d bring me out of this wilderness. I just know he would.



“Rex, come in Rex. This is Command. Over.” A voice finally emerges through the static from the other side.

“Command. This is Garet Rex.” Four minutes waiting for the other side to respond is long enough for yelling to erupt from the opposite end of the communication hub.

“Better hurry up bro. They’re getting close.”

“Working on it,” I snarl, dropping my brows at the unnecessary warning. “Command, can you retrieve us at these coordinates? Over.”

“Can do. We’ll send the hover-copter, just give us the digits. Over.” Following his command, I type the coordinates and wait for confirmation.

“Coordinates received.”

Brigid sneaks under my arm, her eyes wide with fascination watching the process unfold.

“Command be advised. We’re heavy with two injured personnel and a human civilian looking to be in her mid-sixties. Do you read me? Over.”

“Loud and clear, Rex. That’s a dust-off at Ringo 55,75. Requesting medic service. Silver civvy in tow. We read you. Expect pick up at 1300. Over.”

Now all we can do is wait.

Time slips into precious seconds. All it would take is one Vakutan to walk in this room and our position would be known to every gun in this camp.

Danel’s eyes catch mine, I know we’re both thinking the same thing.

“We need to get to the roof.”

Enthrallment drains from Brigid’s face at the realization that we’ll have to leave the security of this room.

“Can’t we stay here?” She protests, gripping my arm.

I see the panic in her eyes, somehow the terror in her reminds me of Tania. Even in a moment like this, with my life and three others depending on me to get us out of here, somehow she found me in my thoughts. It’s strange, or maybe it’s what makes fated mates different from other kinds of love. In my darkest hour, I know she’s the answer.

She’s my way out.

I bend down to the woman’s level, to let her know how serious this is. She has to understand how desperately I need her help. I mean to see Tania again, and she can get us there. I just know it.

“I need you to go first. If they see us, they’ll shoot on sight. I need you to go and distract the first Vatukan you meet just long enough for me to break his neck and grab his weapon.”