“If I didn’t have a fated mate, I’d marry you,” I say.
She arches an eyebrow. “As if you’re anywhere near my league.”
Camouflaging ourselves, we hug the wall as we make our way to the elevator. Because she lacks the same ability to change the tone of her skin, Brigid blends in by playing the role people expect to see: a quiet, subservient human.
Reaching the second floor, we slink to the communications room. Someone is in there already, some kind of bureaucrat by the looks of him. We wait until he leaves and then slip inside the room, careful to lock the door behind us. Danel and Brigid stand guard while Arn and I look for something useful.
“Here,” Arn says, pointing to a boxy computer that looks at least a decade out of date. “It’s nothing fancy, but I bet it has enough reach to send a message into orbit.”
“Perfect,” I say, and then type in the number for our secure channel. “This is Garet Rex with Danel Rex, Dalex Arn, and a human requesting immediate pickup from these coordinates.” I pause, listening to the static for a moment. No response. “I repeat, this is Garet Rex with Danel Rex, Dalex Arn and a human requesting immediate pickup from these coordinates.” Still nothing.
Now, all we can do is wait and hope they got the message.
“Okay, so I love this alabaster, but I think we can trim it in a shade darker, and create something of a layered effect with the fabric here.”
I’m discussing a dress piece with a new girl in the workshop. She started a few weeks ago, and I’m pretty sure that she’s getting trained to be my new replacement.
It’s been a wild couple of months.
Always sneaking around, working late in the sewing den, trying to hide my ever-growing belly. I’ve resorted to wearing loose-fitting shawls and wraps that drape around my stomach, hopefully distracting from any semblance of a baby bump.
But it’s only a matter of time.
Sathior has “caught” me on several occasions. By now, I’m pretty sure she’s on to me. Playing it safe, I’ve had to take my repair work home, but it’s so much harder when I don’t have the right tools or counter space.
In the back of my mind, I keep thinking about how much I’ve managed to save over the last few months. Just enough credits to keep me afloat for about a month, but after that, I’ll need to find work.
But, how can I find a new job when I’m already pregnant? Most companies won’t hire a pregnant human. I’ll have to keep working odd jobs until the baby gets here. But as soon as my thoughts turn there, the obvious problem emerges. Who will take care of the baby while I work?
I can’t even think about it.
I try to push these thoughts out of my head. I need to focus. Every day I’m still working for Sathior is a gift, and I need to cherish them as much as I can before the ax falls. Eventually my belly will give me away. Sathior may be vain, but she’s not blind.
I’ve been paranoid for the last two weeks, ever since this new girl came into the sewing den. I can sense that Sathior is ready to cut me out any day now.
Suddenly, I see her walk into the room. As always, she has a commanding presence. Wrapped in a milk white smock with a synth fur muff, she forces everyone to stare at her in raptured attention.
My body instantly freezes. Is my paranoia getting the better of me, or am I just finely tuned to Sathior’s body language?
As she walks through the room, everyone has stopped working and looks at her. She seems to enjoy the attention, but I can tell there’s something else behind her eyes.
This is it. I know it. I clench my whole body in anticipation.
“Well, what’s everyone up to today? Hard at work, I presume?” Sathior laughs. I can tell it’s her fake laugh, the one she uses to intimidate others.
“Of course, Ms. Havani. We’re working diligently for the next show.” I blurt out. I don’t know why I’m calling attention to myself. If today isn’t the day, I need to keep my head down and stay quiet.
Sathior shoots a look at me. At first, it’s raw and angry, but she softens it almost immediately.
“But of course, dear. Tell me, what are you working on right now?”
She glides over to me and the new girl, who backs away. I can tell she’s deeply intimidated by Sathior. It reminds me of how I felt when I first started working for her.
I glance across the room at Alice. We both know what’s coming, and there’s nothing we can do to stop it.