“Uh, I’m working on the alabaster dress for the show. The entire design is based on a Kaleidian Bird of Shirmir, with a pure white coat and feather-like embellishments.” I show off parts of the dress as I speak. “It’s still in the early phases, but we’ve made some real progress.”
“Ah yes, Kaleidian. You’re a big fan of Kaleidian wildlife, aren’t you?” Sathior picks up the sleeve, inspects it, and lets it fall down.
“Um, I guess. The planet does have a fascinating ecosystem.” My voice quivers slightly, but I don’t move.
She glides closer to me, until we’re practically touching. She looks into my eyes. “It does, doesn’t it? So much so that you got yourself lost last time we were there, right?”
Now she’s playing to the room. There are only a few of us in the workshop, but she wants everyone to hear what she’s saying.
My fists clench again. This is definitely it. Sathior always makes a grand show out of everything she does, including firing her most loyal employees. She wants everyone to know she’s in charge and that she knows everything.
“Yes, I did get lost in the jungle. Too many pretty birds and flowers, I guess.” I decide to play along. If the ax is going to fall, I might as well embrace it.
“And did you run into any locals? You know how they are. Always racing through the jungle.” She plays with the words as she speaks. It’s as if she’s acting it all out for a camera crew or something.
“Yes, I did meet a local. A rather strapping young man named Garet,” I reply. As I say the words, my body relaxes. Somehow, knowing what’s coming makes it much easier. I glance at Alice again, who looks confused.
Sathior shoots another look at me, surprised by how I’m so ready to admit the truth. “And what did you do with this, Garet?” She sneers.
“We made love underneath the stars. It was pretty incredible, actually. I can’t get that night out of my head.” I smile. Sathior hates that I’m not cowering in fear, begging for her to stay her hand.
“And this!” She whips my shawl back, revealing my slight baby bump. I can tell she was expecting a gasp from the crowd, but only the new girl next to me covers her mouth in shock.
“This is the result of your night of passion?” Sathior rubs her hands on my belly, feeling the baby growing inside.
I pull her hand off forcefully. “I would appreciate it if you didn’t touch me.” My voice is gentle and restrained. I never thought I would react like this.
She glares at me, both surprised by my actions and angry that I would talk back to her. She’s not used to not getting her way.
“Well, you know what this means, then, Tania?” She asks.
“I do. Should I finish my work for the day, or should I leave immediately?”
Suddenly, I see tears in Sathior’s eyes. Is she upset by all this?
She grabs my head with her hands, pulling me close. “You lied to me, Tania. I trusted you and you lied, right to my face. Doing extra work after hours with my equipment? With my workshop? How could you do this to me!?”
Such is the thinking of Sathior Havani. I’m the one she’s casting out onto the street with no prospects, but in her mind, I’ve wounded and betrayed her.
“Get out of my sight, now! You’re fired!” She releases my head, twirls around, and storms out of the room, her coat billowing like a cape.
Everyone stares at me, wondering what I’m going to do. The new girl reaches out and caresses my arm.
“I’m so sorry. I had no idea,” she whispers.
“It’s okay. You can finish the rest without me.” I wipe a tear from my eye and walk out of the room. Alice gives me a knowing look. We’ll meet up later to discuss my options.
I walk past Sathior’s office, but the door’s closed. I can hear her on the phone with someone. It sounds like she’s angry. But that’s not my problem anymore.
As I walk out onto the street, a wave of nausea and regret wash over me. “What the hell happens now?”
Later that day, I’m sulking in the employee barracks. I can’t live here anymore, but I also can’t bear to start packing things up. I don’t even know where I’m going to live.
I rub my belly, trying to feel the baby moving and kicking. It must be asleep right now, since I can’t feel anything. I suddenly feel so irresponsible. No food, no bed, no job. Some mother I’ll make.
I haven’t eaten all day, and my stomach is growling. I knew this day was coming, but the awful slap of it hurts more than I could’ve ever imagined.
Suddenly, the door opens, and it’s Alice. She’s brought some greasy fast food, and the scent is incredible. She stares at me, holding what I sincerely hope are burgers.