When Marlow walks in holding Dakota’s hand, the music starts playing “Isn’t She Lovely” by Stevie Wonder. Marlow smiles, and I watch as her eyes search the room for me. Her brows furrow slightly when she realizes the only ones in the restaurant are Logan, my family, and a few close friends like April and Holly, and Blake and Camilla.
I step out so she can see me and her shoulders relax, her smile going even brighter.
“You look beautiful.” I lean down and kiss her cheek.
“Thank you. So do you,” she says, smiling. “Really beautiful.”
“Thank you.” I grin and glance down at Dakota. “And look at you. You look so pretty tonight.”
Dakota sways back and forth bashfully. “Thank you,” she says. “Is this a party?”
“It is.”
“What for?” she whispers.
“To celebrate us becoming a family,” I lean down to whisper in her ear.
She’s beaming when I straighten.
I give Callum his cue to turn down the music, but he’s on the phone and scowling. He says something to Sutton and then walks over.
“Sorry to bail,” he says. “Pierre says his niece is stuck on my property and he’s out of town this weekend. I gotta check it out.”
“It’s okay, man. Do what you need to do. Let us know if you need help.” I grip his arm and we hug briefly. “Thanks for everything today. You made this happen.”
“Happy for you,” he says.
He winks at Dakota and grins at Marlow before he walks away.
Sutton mouths, “Ready?” and when I nod, he turns down the music.
I reach into my pocket and pull out a little white box, and I get down on one knee in front of Dakota. Marlow gasps and Dakota stares at me, surprised that I’m down on her level in a suit. I look at her as I open the box and her eyes widen as she sees the pretty ring.
“Is that forme?” she asks.
“It is, but I have a couple of questions for you first.”
“Okay,” she says softly.
“Sweets, will you be my Dakota forever?”
Her mouth parts and she nods, her eyes still huge. “Yes.”
“And would you give me permission to marry your mama?” I lean in closer and whisper loudly, “Ifshe says yes…”
“Yes, please,” she says, and then she looks up at Marlow. “I hope you say yes.”
Everyone laughs, including Marlow, although she’s also sniffling and wiping the tears from her cheeks.
“I think she will,” Dakota says, turning back to me matter-of-factly.
I grin and she starts bouncing with excitement when I take the ring out of the box and hold her hand up, sliding it on her finger.
“I very love it,” Dakota breathes out. She turns her hand toward Marlow and shows her. “I very love it,” she says louder, laughing.
Everyone laughs along with her. She’s captured the hearts of everyone in this room, just like her mama.
I put the box in my pocket and get out the larger box.