“Well, I cannot wait to find out,” Scarlett says. “And we can do such a fun party for you guys once we know. I can’t wait to spoil it rotten.”
“Wyatt’s calling it Baby Sweet Pea,” I say, looking back at him.
He’s laughing so hard his face is red and his eyes are watery, and I’m blown away by how much I love him.
“Sweets and Baby Sweet Pea,” Dakota says, giggling.
I grin at her. “Thanks for sharing our news, Kota. It was fun seeing how everyone reacted, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah,” she says happily. “I love it here, Mama.”
“I do too. So much.” I bump her with my hip when she tries to grab an olive with her fingers. “Hey, fingers out of the food. Did you wash your hands?”
Her eyes go wide and she turns and bolts to the sink.
Scarlett and I set our plates on the table and she smiles warmly at me then nods toward Wyatt. “I’ve never seen Wyatt this happy,” she says. “Ever. You and Dakota did that, and I can’t thank you enough.” She leans in. “Plus, you’recool. I thought my brother was going to end up a lonely workaholic doctor, and practically overnight, you’ve domesticated him. He’s not only head over heels for you, but he’schill. Look at him. His shoulders aren’t up to here with all the tension.” She lifts her hands up by her ears. “You let me know if you want any help planning a wedding and I’ll be all over it.”
“Oh, we’re not talking about weddings yet at all.”
I look back at Wyatt and imagine life married to him. For someone who thought she’d never want to be married again, the thought of marryinghimsure is enticing.
“Mm-hmm,” Scarlett says, smirking. “I give that approximately five seconds.”
Two Weeks Later…
I haven’t beenable to sit still for the past hour. We’re all at The Gnarly Vine waiting for Marlow and Dakota to arrive.
Because of what happened to me the last time I tried to keep a secret, I asked Sofie to take Marlow and Dakota on a little girls’ trip for the day while I got everything in order.
“You’re making me so nervous,” Theo says, putting his hand on my back. “Why don’t you have a drink? Sit down for a minute, try to relax.”
“I want to be levelheaded when they get here.”
“You’re the most levelheaded person I know. I think you’ll be fine,” he says.
“Let the man pace. Maybe it’ll be out of his system by the time Marlow gets here,” Sutton says.
“Doubt it,” Callum says, smirking at me.
I sigh and look at my watch. “They should’ve been here by now.”
“They will be—” Theo says as Scarlett yells, “They’re pulling in!”
“I feel sick.” I hold onto the bar.
Callum slides a glass of clear liquid down the bar toward me. “Drink it.”
I pick it up and take a long drink, my nostrils burning. When I set it down, I look at Callum.
He nods. “Go get her.”
“All right.”