Just about the whole town is here today to celebrate their thirty-ninth wedding anniversary. I stand off to the side with Chelsea, Britt and Farrah and the rest of the guests as the guys and Francesca stand in front, ready to greet them.


Janet and Frank walk in and look stunned at the shouts from everyone in the room.

“What in the world?” The boys rush their mom while Francesca goes to her dad.

“Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad!” Adam steps up and captures them with a huge hug first.

Letting go of Adam, Janet steps back, looking confused as she glances between her kids. “You did this for us?”

“Yes! We know it’s not a big number, but thought it’d be easier thisway. You wouldn’t expect anything for thirty-nine years.” Billy explains, and Janet’s smile widens as she listens to him.

Francesca bumps him. “Billy thought of this. He was the real brains behind the whole thing.”

Mrs. Casanova tears up and pulls Billy in close. She speaks softly to him, words meant only for him, I’m sure, and they stand and rock back and forth for a moment. It’s the sweetest thing in the world and I’m wiping my tears as her eyes catch mine and she winks. We walk over to them, giving hugs all around, and she grabs me. “You sure know how to throw a surprise.”

I smile and reply, “Let’s just hope he feels the same.”

** *

Appetizers are passed,greetings are made all around and everyone is gushing over Billy putting this into action.

“You always have to get one up on us, don’t you, Bill.” Adam leans back in his chair at the table, throwing his arm around the back of Chelsea’s chair.

Billy shrugs, mimicking the same move. “I told you I was rising to the top. It’s going to be a long time before I get kicked from the number one spot again.”

“Hm. We’ll see about that.” Tom throws a roll at Billy from across the table.

“Casanova Family!” Stefan comes to our side. “We’re going to take a family photo before dinner. Can you all please follow me?”

My heart begins to race, but it’s not out of fear. It’s out of excitement, out of love. I can’t wait to see his face when he realizes what we’re really doing in this room.

Walking in, the room is decorated with white roses and hanging twinkling lights. It’s pretty, giving off a warm, soft glow making the day feel even more romantic and loving.

“Wow, Stefan really went all out, huh? Even this room is set for pictures.”

Stefan begins directing people where to stand. “Jackson, Adam, Bobby, you guys stand here to the right. Ladies, if you’d all fall into line over here on the left.” We begin to move to our places. “Mr. and Mrs. Casanova, if you would stand right here, in front of the girls. And Tom, can you please move to the front? Step up onto the platform.”

“Why the hell is he standing up there?”

“Billy! Oh, Billy, I almost forgot you.” Bill gives Stefan a dry look and casts a glance at everyone in the room. His lips part and I see the moment he realizes there’s something bigger happening here.

“Billy!” Stefan claps his hands twice. “I need you up here, next to Adam, please.”

Stefan pulls his arm and maneuvers him to stand to the side, in front of Adam, facing down the makeshift aisle we’ve created by lining everyone up. His eyes fall to me, standing solo at the beginning of the aisle.

“Wait! Stefan, we’re forgetting someone,” I shout, spinning around the room looking for him.

“Oh! Yes, one moment!” Stefan runs from the room, and I watch as everyone looks around, smiles forming as they realize what’s happening.

Tom was the only one besides Mrs. Casanova that knew what I had planned because I needed him to actually marry us. He was ordained online and actually performed Dane and Mariella’s wedding a few months back.

“Adley, you have some explaining to do.” Billy says, with a smile on his face.

“We can talk later, Bill.”

“Okay, here we are!” Stefan comes rushing back into the room, pulling Al along with him. “Al, please stand beside Adley. Then wait for my cue!”