He chuckles. “Something like that. How about just a root beer then? Come on.”

We leave the paperwork on the desk, and we walk out of the office with my arm around him, feeling this is just one more step to closing the circle completely.



I’mup and out early, grabbing the centerpieces and bringing them to the Holiday Star Inn. It was the last item to bring into the hall and when I entered, it took my breath away. A silver and red balloon arch covers the main table for two. Red and white lights line the walls, and the linens are white and silver. It’s classy and elegant and they’re going to love it.

“Adley! So nice to see you again.” Stefan comes quickly to my side, taking the box from my hands.

“Hi Stefan! Good to see you, too! I have three more boxes in the car.”

He walks to the table, placing the box down. “I’ll send one of the guys to get them. Come with me! I want to show you everything we did!”

“It’s gorgeous here. Frank and Janet will absolutely love this.”

“You don’t think they know, do you?”

“Honestly, I have no idea,” I answer truthfully. “Mrs. Casanova isvery perceptive. It wouldn’t surprise me if she was here, trying to arrange furniture.”

We laugh together. “You’re so right. That woman has a way about her.”

“But between Tom and Farrah, and my surprise, I think they’re going to be blinded by that and not think it has anything to do with them.”

He gives me a sly look. “Nothing surprises me with you Casanovas, anymore.” He nods to the back. “Come on, let me show you what I did for you.”

** *

Forty-five minutes later,I’m back in my house getting dressed. A simple pale pink dress with quarter sleeves and a lace overlay fits me perfectly. Flats that match and my hair is down and curled how Bill likes it. I grab my handbag, double checking the items inside.

“All set.” I whisper to myself.


“Coming!” I quickly make my way down the hall and come up short when my eyes land on the most handsome man I’ve ever seen.

“Billy. You look amazing.” Dressed in navy blue pants with brown shoes and a white button down., he saunters toward me, doing a little spin before pulling me in close. I shake my head at him and laugh. “Such a Casanova.”

He steps back, holding my hand up, turning me in a circle. “I can’t fucking wait till this party is over.” He growls out the words, and I have to agree.

Giggling as he pulls me close and nuzzles my neck I have to forcibly pull myself away from him. “That sounds like an excellent idea, but if we don’t get to that hall, we’ll give away the surprise.”

“Fiiine,” he huffs but winks at me and we head out to the truck.


Enteringthe Holiday Star Inn for the second time today feels different because the next time I walk out, I’m going to be a Casanova.

As long as he says yes.

Oh my god, he better say yes.

After finding the ring, speaking to Mrs. Casanova and giving myself a day or two to work it out, my mind said, ‘what the hell are you waiting for?’ I’ve got the man of my dreams, who loves me for me, who doesn’t hold me back, who builds me up at every chance he gets. And don’t get me started on how I know he’s been buying my books and passing them out to everyone I know. He supports and cares with every bit of himself. And I was a fool for wasting time getting to this point.

I’ve made up my mind, though, and I’m about to take our relationship to the next level. I need to throw away the past and step into the future. I told Stefan my plan, and he had a separate room decorated for us. We’ll be celebrating more than an anniversary today.

Jackson claps his hands and whistles loudly. “They’re just pulling into the lot. Everyone, gather around and get ready!”