I adjust myself in the seat and let out a curse. “Adam, she’s killing me.”

He grins, sitting in the seat opposite the desk I’m working at. “Those two sisters are trouble. I should have warned you before going all in.”

“She’s been all over me all week. Even came to the bar last night. She must be in the middle of one of her scenes for her book, not that I’m complaining or anything, but damn.”

“You don’t have to tell me,” Adam says seriously. “I already told you how intense the pregnancy sex is.”

My hand freezes as I’m entering another line on the party lists, and the room tilts as I bring my eyes to his, and ask quietly, “What did you say?”

His now worried eyes dart around the room, as he replies with little conviction, “For Chelsea. Pregnancy sex for Chelsea. I told you this. You all want to make f-” He’s speaking quickly now, his word choppy and headed towards manic, giving away the fact that he wasn’t just talking about his own personal experiences, and he does, in fact, knows something.

My heart sinks as I realize that if she’s truly hiding this from me there must be a reason. And if this is why she’s been checking up on me all week, does that means she’s making sure I’m where I’m supposed to be.Testing me.

“Adam, what do you know?”

He shakes his head and leans forward, resting his arms on his knees. “Nothing, Bill.”

“You’re a goddamn liar.” My heart pounds in my chest and my stomach turns as I realize what this likely means.

Even now, I'm still not good enough for her.

“Bill. You’re jumping to conclusions. Listen to me for a moment.”

Standing from my desk, I move around the room, the sudden need for a drink swiftly overwhelming me. I try to make it out the door, but Adam jumps from his seat, quickly blocking my way.


“I’m not moving. Stop. Breathe. And listen.” Taking a breath, I do as he says, my mind swimming with every thought imaginable as he continues speaking. “If it’s true, and she hasn’t told you yet, maybe she’s planning an announcement. You know these girls and the over-the-top parties they do. I mean, maybe she doesn’t even know herself. She just knows her body is acting crazy.”

“But you said ‘I told you how intense pregnancy sex is’. Like I should be expecting it.” His eyes search my face, like he’s trying to think of some excuse, so I add, “Adam, don’t lie to me.”

He grabs my shoulder and, with the look in his eye; I know it’s true. “You need to go find her. Talk to her. Don’t go anywhere else, Bill.” He’s got a warning in his tone. “You’ve been waiting for this. Your time lost is being recovered. Don’t go backwards.”



Chelseaand I arrive at the flower shop with the twins. I don’t think this is our smartest move to date, but we need to get these centerpieces picked out and there’s no time to waste, so we secure both girls in the double stroller, and we roll on in with a mission to complete.

“Can you imagine being married for nearly forty years?” Touching the soft petals as we peruse the colors available, I try to picture myself in Janet Casanova’s shoes. She’s an amazing woman who has raised a wonderful family. I mean, they never left, they enjoy spending time together. Even when they fight, it’s what a family does.

“If I spend another year like this,” she rubs her ever-growing belly, “Adam won’t have to worry about forty.”

Snickering, I shake my head at her. “It’s your own fault. Go get him snipped or something if you can’t keep your hands to yourself.”

She rolls her eyes. “Please. He’s such a baby. He won’t do that.”

“Then it’s a good thing you make cute kids.”

Pulling a few red roses from the bucket, along with a bit of baby’sbreath, she holds them together. “What if we did this, but add in a pink flower or two, to soften the red?”

I nod. “That would be pretty. Add a little greenery too.”

Hearing the chimes on the door ring, I glance back and see Francesca.

“There’s my two favorite sisters in law!” She runs to us and gives us each a hug before kissing each of the girls. “I’m sorry I’m late. I was finishing up a call with Zach at Carolina U. The guy loves to talk.”

“I thought Dane took that over?”