“I’m so lucky to have you.”

“I’m the lucky one. You’re my biggest win, right?”

Leaning down, I press my lips against her and then JJ’s little voice echoes throughout the kitchen. “Hey! Where’s the mistletoe?”

Groaning, I pull away, leaning my forehead against hers as I whisper for her ears only, “He’s such a cock block.”



Trying to keep myself busy,I make last-minute calls for Saturday’s party, creating busy work where there is none.

Because all that’s been playing on repeat is Adley and our nights together over the past week. She’s been insatiable, which has made things easier for me, but even though it has made me more relaxed and calm, going through my day, I wouldn’t call it particularly normal. But then again, maybe love is in the air with all the anniversary talk.

I can feel the weird dynamic between us, but I’m not sure if it’s good or bad. It just feels like she wants to say something.

I catch her staring aimlessly, lost in thought, and she says she’s plotting a story, but it’s feels different. She stopped by the bar twice this week, which isn’t unusual, but it felt like she was checking up on me since it wasn’t one of my scheduled nights to work. Al has been asking more and more of me, and I ended up canceling our dinner plans to help out. She was disappointed when I had to go, but she alsounderstands there’s something going on with Al, and I’m afraid to think the worst.

So, when she came in with two Greek salads from the place down the street, I wasn’t too surprised, and I had my barback cover so we could take twenty minutes and sat in the break room to eat together.

What was surprising was for half of those twenty minutes, I got her off twice.

We’ve never been shy with each other’s bodies, but all week she can’t get enough, and this semipublic display has me wondering what the hell has gotten into her.

“Are you trying to create a new addiction, Adley?”

She laughed at my question as she buttoned her pants and righted her shirt. “It’s research, Bill. You can thank me later.”

“I think I just thanked you twice.”

She patted my dick, kissed my lips and was out the door, leaving me in a whirlwind of emotions. I feel so much more now that I’m not drowning myself in alcohol, but this is a lot.

Glancing at the calendar, I note the date. The time since my last drink is fourteen days. It’s nothing big, but considering all that’s gone on this week, I’m doing pretty well.

Adam walks into the back office of House O’Love, dropping a stack of invoices. “These are all from the flooring shop. Just put a note on them for Chelsea to look over in the morning.”

“She’s not coming in today? Everything okay?”

“She’s fine. She’s going with Adley to the flower shop. She didn’t tell you?”

Flipping my phone over, I see a text.

Adley: Spending the day with my sister. Flowers and more! Love you

Smiling and flipping the phone. “Just got the text.” Smirking, I shoot a text back.

Me: While you’re there, pick out our color scheme. You’re going to marry me one day.

Adley: Maybe.

Shaking my head, I drop the phone and sigh, and Adam looks at me questioningly, so I wave my hand and mutter, “Just Ad being Ad.”

He laughs. “She still won’t say yes?”

My phone pings again, notifying me of another text and I glance at the screen:

Adley: I need to make sure the crown fits first. Maybe we can size it tonight?