Page 42 of Wicked Temptations

“We know she’s small, about five one or maybe five two at most. She was covered almost from top to bottom.”

“What do you mean?” Adam asked.

“She wore a long-sleeved coat, a hat, and sunglasses.”

“And it was damned hot on Saturday, even for locals, because the trade winds were dead,” Adam said. “Anything else?”

“She looked like she was white with black hair, but these days, either of those things could be faked. Hair dye or wig would be easy enough and makeup has definitely advanced to that, especially if she’s a Chinese spy. The recording for when she left the room has been wiped clean.”

“So, the only thing we know is that she is small in stature.”

“And we don’t know if she was going there to kill him or to be the lure. Either way, she was involved. No one dresses like that in Hawaii. She knew those cameras were there. She didn’t even look directly at them so we couldn’t get a clear face shape.”

Del nodded.

“Charity is going to take a gander at some other feeds to see if she can see something. If she wasn’t a lure or the killer, then maybe she’s hiding somewhere,” Marcus said, but his tone told her he didn’t believe his own speculation. None of them did. That was a woman on a mission.

“Sounds good.”

“I’m going to do some calling around on Li. He’s got a long history of not just pissing off the FBI but also the CIA and MI-6. I have a few people I can talk to.”

“Sounds good.”

She started to walk back to her office and noticed that Marcus didn’t follow.

“I’ve got to talk to Del about some leave in a few weeks.”

He had said his sister was getting married in Hawaii, so that made sense. As she went back to her office, she tried to put him out of her mind and work. Even back in those heady days of their affair, she could focus on work. He had never intruded in her work hours, unless she had an hour to spare. Now though, she seemed to be completely and absolutely infatuated with him.

She shut the door to her office and sat down behind her desk. She needed to get her head screwed on straight. This case was starting to give her the willies. It was too close to what happened during the lead up to the Virginia Star bombing.

With that in mind, she pulled out her cell and started to run down some leads. Maybe if they could clear up this case, she could figure out just what the hell to do about Marcus.

* * *

By the timethey settled in Del’s office, Marcus knew they weren’t going to talk about his leave. He saw the look Adam and Del shared and knew there was going to be a discussion about his relationship with Tamilya.

“Tamilya is staying with you?” Del asked.

“She did last night—in my guest room. I offered her the room while we’re handling the case.”

Del leaned back in his chair, which squeaked. The sound was so damned loud as both Adam and Del studied him. They were easygoing supervisors. When Marcus worked in the Capitol Police, everything was so damned political. No one could really be at ease at work like he was here. Still, when they studied him like this, it made Marcus feel like a freaking specimen.

“So, not dating?” Adam asked.

He looked between the two of them. “No. But is it any of your business?”

“Actually, it is. If the situation does become…romantic…then you both have to file a memo saying you are dating. Kat and Drew were required to do the same.”

He nodded. “No need.”


Damn, he had said he wanted something more. The easiest thing would have been to take her to bed last night. She would have come willingly, but Marcus was sure the moment Tamilya had rolled out of his bed, she would have made excuses. But he wanted more…and he wanted it with her.

“If it changes, let us know. It won’t be an issue since neither of you are in the chain of command. There is another thing we wanted to talk to you about,” Del said. “They want us to have more subdivisions within TFH. Not my choice. The governor wants them. And, after going over the plans, it makes a little more sense.”

“And that applies to me for what reason?”