“You and Tamilya have terrorism in your background, but she has more time in domestic and international terrorism. We want her to be the point of contact for that division. She would oversee the training and the allocation of duties. Her level in TFH will stay the same so she wouldn’t be your boss.”
“Have you told her yet?” he asked.
Del shook his head. “We wanted to discuss it with you because you’ve been with us longer, and we hired you because of your background. She just has more experience.”
He didn’t hesitate. “And she should handle that. I’m good with on the ground kind of activities, and I can help out with planning and training. But Tamilya sees the bigger picture. She always makes connections I sometimes miss.”
Adam and Del shared a look.
“What?” Marcus asked, trying to keep his temper under control. He hated being left out of the loop.
“We thought you would put up more of a fight,” Adam said.
“Oh, well, no. I know both of our strengths and weaknesses. She’s a good pick.”
Del nodded. “Good.”
“Is that all?”
“Yeah,” Adam said. As Marcus rose out of his chair to leave, Del stopped him again with another announcement.
“We’re going to hire this Harrington to lead up search and rescue when needed.”
Damn. “That’s not a problem.”
“Okay good. He’s the best candidate and comes highly recommended.”
“Can I go now?”
Del nodded and he left both of them and headed to his office. He didn’t need speculation to start growing about Tamilya and him. The last few months, the rest of the group had been betting—something Del had strictly forbidden and which they all ignored—on his relationship with Tamilya. If she knew, there was a good chance she would be pissed.
With a sigh, he sat down behind his desk and started up his computer. As he waited the few seconds it took to warm up, Marcus went over the few facts that they had figured out already. They knew the killer—or killer’s helper—was a small woman, who dressed like she was an extra on a bad film noir movie. People had to have noticed her in Honolulu. It didn’t mean they would get a look at her face, though. That was the one detail they were missing. He knew forensics had taken prints in the elevator, but even if they cleaned the buttons every day—and he highly doubted their claim—there were hundreds of prints. Sorting through them would take forever.
Before he could work it all out in his brain, there was a knock at his door.
“Come in,” he said. Autumn opened the door and stepped into his office, shutting the door behind her.
“What’s up?” he asked.
Autumn was strange, that was true, but she was a first-rate team member.
“What were you talking to the boss about?”
“They’re hiring that Harrington guy.”
Her eyebrows shot up. “And they were telling you because?”
“You know why they told me. Everyone knows.”
“Yeah,” she said, making herself at home by sitting in front of his desk. She stacked her tiny feet on top of his desk. “I don’t see why it would be a problem though.”
She shrugged and Marcus had to bite back a growl. The woman’s mind went on trips that he didn’t want to take with her.
Finally, she said, “Tamilya has no unresolved feelings for him.”
“She told you that?”
She shook her head. “I saw them together. They were easy, no tension. They got along.”