“I didn’t. Marco dug his own grave, and he got exactly what he paid for,” Dino growls.

The sentiment, the dislike, seems rather genuine. I file that away for later.

I have other things that I wish to address.

I prowl forward until I’m a mere foot from the man in the chair. He tries to look back up at me, his face pinching with pain. “Hello, brother-in-law.”


“How’s my sister?”

“She is well. I will tell her that you asked after her.”

Dino looks away. “Don’t,” he mutters.



For someone who was so hell bent on needling me, Caterina seems a sore subject.

My rage, luckily, has cooled slightly, and I’m able to notice these things with open eyes.

But now, it is time to get to business.

“Why did you tell the Irish about Luna?” I growl.

Dino shakily holds his head up, peering at me from the eye that isn’t swollen shut. “Fun to find out you have a kid, right?”

“Do not fucking play with me,” I warn.

Sal steps forward. “You sold out your niece, man. That’s unacceptable. We all swore to keep Luna safe, even at the cost of our own lives, the day she was born.”

My eyes shoot to Sal. “Is that true?”

He nods.

“Does Caterina…”

Dino coughs. “No, dude. She had just had a baby. Your fucking baby. We weren’t about to tell her that.”

“I see,” I rumble. I step back.

Sal, clearly skilled in interrogation, steps forward. “So why’d you fucking do it?”

“Why do you think?”

“Don’t play this game with me, D,” Sal says darkly. “I don’t want to hit you. I really don’t.”

“Yeah, you do,” Dino mutters. “Just fucking do it.”

“Tell us why you sold Luna out, you fucking traitor,” Sal says.

The words are serious.

In the time that I have known him, Sal does not appear to be a man who says things he does not mean. I am under the impression that if he speaks the words, he will act on them.

My eyebrows go up.