Dino swivels, looking at Sal through his squinted eye. “They have something I can’t do without.”


Dino laughs, then looks at me. “So. You know about Luna.”

“I do.”


My eyebrows raise. “You have an opinion on that?”

“Not really. But I knew that you weren’t going to just sit there once you found out. You were never going to let her be hurt, once you knew.”

Sal sucks in a breath. “You fucking calculated this. To save your own ass.”

Dino rolls his head back to look at his brother. “Guess you’re not the only sneaky one, huh?”

There’s a wet sound, like steak falling off a counter.

Dino’s head snaps to the side, and I grab Sal and pull him back.

“Easy,” I mutter, grabbing Sal’s hands and pinning them behind his back. “Easy now.”

“That fucking asshole,” Sal hisses, straining to hit his brother again. “I’ll kill him. I will fucking kill him!”

“I think we should call the doctor first. If we decide to kill him, I want him in full health first,” I say.

Sal shrugs me off and stalks out the door.

I take one more look at Dino, who is either completely passed out in his chair or doing a good job of appearing so. “This is not over,” I warn, in case he can hear me.

I swear that as I leave, I see his lips curl.

When Saland I emerge from the dark room, I can tell that he’s frustrated. I am, as well.

Dino remained remarkably silent.

I’m not about to make the call to torture one of my brothers-in-law, despite my rage at the fact that he leaked Luna’s location to the Irish.

You were never going to let her be hurt, once you knew.

The comment is the only thing that kept me from beating the other half of his face bloody. It seemed that, despite everything, Dino had some kind of a plan.

And he had counted on me as part of it.

Caterina flies to us. She glances at Sal, who mutters and steps back down the hall.

Her luminous eyes fix on me instead. “Can I see him?”

I sigh. I glance at Gia who shrugs. “Don’t fuck it up,” she murmurs as she brushes past me, following Sal back up to the main level.

Thanks, sister.

“Do you want to?” I try.

Caterina pauses. “I’m not sure,” she admits. “I don’t know what to do about any of this. I can’t believe that Dino would deliberately try to harm any of us. Me, Marco, Luna, Sal… there has to be something else going on here.”

They have something that I can’t do without,Dino had said.