Death dreams. The only thing, other than her black hair, that she’d gotten from her father. She’d had her first one when she was twelve years old. Her mother had told her it was just a nightmare, nothing to worry about.
Then the body had been found.
The damn dreams. Sometimes they came to her right before a death, teasing her and making her believe that there was something she could do. Some way to change fate.
Other times, to torment her, they came too late. Minutes, hours after the death. Too late to do anything but mourn the dead.
Too late. No, she still had to try. Erin leapt out of bed. She ran for her closet and snagged the first pair of sweats she saw.
“Uh, Erin?”
Shimmying, she jerked them up. Then shoved her hands through the sleeves of a T-shirt.
“Little early for a jog.”
Erin spun around. “I have to leave.”
He blinked. The man looked sleep tousled. Blond hair mussed, eyes heavy-lidded, faint stubble lining his jaw.
She swallowed.Don’t mind waking up to that.
His gaze sharpened. “Where.” A demand, not a question.
How to explain this?The long version? That was the one with all the twisted shit in her past and the roots of her father’s vision gifts—courtesy of her great-grandfather, a Choctaw shaman.
Screw it. Better to just cut to the chase. “I’m psychic, okay? Just like my dad.” Not exactly. “Look, if I don’t get to Old Dobbin’s Bend soon, a man’s going to die.” Could already be dead.
Old Dobbin’s Bend.When she’d turned away from the wrecked car, she’d known that road. She’d been on that winding track once, just last week. She’d ridden with a uniform out to question a witness. No mistaking that long, curving bend.
Jude stared at her for about five seconds, then gave a nod. “Right, then let’s get the hell to Dobbin’s Bend.”
Her jaw dropped. That was it? No questions, just go? “You believe me?”
He swung his legs over the edge of the bed. “Woman, you’re talking to a man who can shift into a tiger. Hell, yeah, I believe you.” He jerked on his pants.When had he brought those upstairs?“Now let’s get our asses over to Dobbin’s Bend.”
Hold on, Lee.The whisper slipped through her mind. The voice in her dream had belonged to Lee Givens, the attorney who usually pissed her off. But now, she was just scared for him.
Sure, Lee could be a real jerk, but he didn’t deserve to die alone.
No one did.
Jude’s handsclenched around the steering wheel. “You sure this is the right place?”
His voice was cool, calm, but Erin’s shoulders tensed. “It’s the right place.” She’d seen this exact road in her dream. Those trees. The broken pine.This was the place.
“How long you been having dreams like this?”
Erin wet her lips. “Close to seventeen years now, but I don’t—I don’t have them that often.” If she had them every night, she’d go crazy. No question. “I only have them when...when I know someone—” Didn’t have to be an intimate knowledge, but it had to be someone she’d connected with in some way. The dreams were only about people who’d stirred her emotions, good or bad.
When her emotions were stirred, then the link—or whatever the hell it was inside of her—just clicked on. When it was time for someone she’d connected with to die, the death dreams came.
Her dad told her it was a gift. One passed through generations of his blood by the gods.
Gift? More like a curse.