Page 47 of Hunt Me Down

Her dreams sure hadn’t been enough to save him.

“So if you know somebody and?—”

“They have to be close to death.” For the dreams to come calling, they had to hear death’s sweet whisper.


Her brows pulled together. She didn’t know quite what that sound meant.Told him I was flawed. This death dream madness is just the tip of the iceberg.

She felt the glance he gave her. Questioning. Weighing. She couldn’t worry about that now, not when—“Stop!”

He slammed on the brakes.

Erin shoved open her door and jumped out of the truck. This was the spot from her vision, she knew it. Her body hummed with energy.Here.

“Erin, wait!” The grind of the tires crunched as he pulled off the road behind her. A door slammed.

Her gaze raked the road. The rain had fallen so hard during the night, it would have washed away any signs?—


Jude saw the markings first. Figured, his senses were better than hers.

Ten feet up the road, then right over the edge...

They ran together, then they went over that edge.

The mud sucked at her tennis shoes, making gulping sounds like it wanted to eat her, but Erin powered on through the falling mist. The broken car was in her sights now.

How can he be alive?

The car had been smashed, crumbled as if by giant hands, then thrown away.

In the distance, the shriek of a siren sounded. Help was coming. The ambulance she’d called before she left her house was getting closer, fast.

Jude reached the car door first. The window was broken, shattered, and inside, Erin could see Lee’s bloody form.

“Lee!” He didn’t move.

“He’s breathing,” Jude said. “But I don’t know for how much longer.” His fingers curled over the side of the door, and he yanked.

The door broke loose and fell to the ground.

Erin crawled inside the car. “Lee! It’s okay. Help’s coming!”Still alive.Finally, she’d reached someone in time.

He flinched and gave a moan.

“It’s okay,” she said again. Voices floated to her. The EMTs. They were running down the ravine now, having the same trouble with the thick mud. But they’d get him out. They’d be able to save him. They could stop the bleeding.

Because his shirt was drenched with blood.

Too much blood.And it trickled from his forehead. From the gash that went too deep.

She swallowed. “You’ll be all right.” Lie.

His eyes opened. “T-Tommy?” Rusty, weak.

“What?” Erin swallowed, fighting to stay calm. “Lee, who?—”