Page 63 of Luca

Standing a little taller, I give myself a little tough love. You didn’t get through the last two years, just to place your happiness in the hands of another man who can leave you broken. Take what you want from this, but don’t look for more. Focus on your kids.

With newfound determination, I exit the shower, towel off, and throw on a pair of shorts and a tank before checking on the kids. Maybe I can come up with something fun for breakfast.Something I can’t burn.

“Hi, Mama,” Caleb greets as I crack open his door. He’s on the floor playing with his Matchbox cars. As high energy as this kid is, he could spend hours up here moving these tiny metal cars around his self-constructed little town.

“You hungry?”

“Yeah.” His little tongue sticks out the corner of his mouth in contemplation as he pushes the police car up the ramp of his toy police station.

“Okay. I’m going to check on Truitt and then I’ll work on breakfast. Did you have fun with Luca last night?”

“Yes!” Caleb immediately stops what he’s doing to look in my direction. “He’s going to take me to his shop to help me make you a—” He abruptly throws both palms over his mouth. “A surprise.”

“Oh, he is, is he?” I laugh.

“For your birthday.”

“Well, that’s awfully nice of you, Caleb. I’m going to see if I can find something extra special for breakfast.”

I place Truitt down on the floor with a few of his toys before kissing Myla on the head. She’s probably been down here reading in her favorite spot on the couch for hours. Making my way to the kitchen, I try to scrounge up something to make for breakfast. My shoulders slump in defeat, and I let out a groan. Nothing. There’s a whole lotta nothing in this pantry. There isn’t even enough cereal here for each of them. I can make a fruit salad. And some toast.

I hear Caleb come downstairs and sit at the island with two of his favorite cars. “How about oatmeal?”

“No,” he wines, and I have to laugh as I recall my mother’s hot date night. He’s right. There’s definitely nothing extra special about oatmeal. At least not the way I make it.

Knock, knock.

Caleb and Myla spring from the floor and race to the front door, leaving poor Truitt to fend for himself.

I come around the island to pick up my “little turtle,” as Luca calls him, hearing Caleb squeal in the distance. Walking in their direction, I find Caleb lifting Mimmo off the ground, he’s hugging him so tightly. Then Luca looks up, his eyes holding mine, as he grips a bright pink and orange box I recognize from the donut shop.

My heart.This man is going to tear it to shreds, I just know it.

After watching my kids devour a breakfast of champions, I straighten up the kitchen and join everyone in the great room. Luca is sitting on the couch, reclined back in the far corner with his legs crossed, watching a documentary on bees. Myla is sitting beside him, completely engrossed in the show.

“Mimmo, come upstairs and see my cars.”

“Okay.” The two boys race out of the room as I make my way over to Truitt.

But before he sees me heading in their direction, I watch as Luca bends down to Myla’s ear, pointing to the television and muttering something. She nods, and he gazes down at her briefly before leaning in to place a kiss on her temple.

My throat catches when I see my daughter beam up at him. Dear Lord, please watch over us. Because I won’t be the only one whose heart is torn to shreds.

After placing Truitt down for a nap, I come out to find Luca alone in the great room, staring down at his phone.

“Where’d everyone go?”

“Not sure. Guess I bored them to death.” He chuckles.


“Hey, I’ve got season passes to Busch Gardens and Water Country. You want to take the kids sometime?”

He doesn’t even look up from his phone. “No.”

“Or we could go to the park.”

“I can’t.” He adjusts his position in his seat before looking up at me. “I told Tarzan I’d take him with me to the shop. Iwas going to let him and Mimmo work on an art project. Is that okay?”