Page 64 of Luca

I’m more than a little disappointed he doesn’t want to go anywhere public with us. I’m not buying it’s because he promised Caleb anything. He would’ve asked me first before committing today to the boys. I’m certain of it. This is just one more oddity to add to the many peculiar things I’ve seen him do.

I had the day off and was itching to do something outside. But his bringing his nephew for a playdate doesn’t mean he’s suddenly making this into more with me. Sex and donuts or not. “Yeah. He let it slip you two might be working on a little something.”

“I knew that little motormouth couldn’t keep a secret.” He winks. “Why don’t I gather up the boys and take them so you can have some quiet time? Then I’ll take care of dinner.” I’m about to answer him, but as he passes me, I steal a glance at those glute hugging jeans and temporarily lose my ability to speak. Memories of my fingers digging into him last night make my nipples hard.

“Penny for your thoughts, Cucciolotta.” He smirks.

My head springs up to find him staring at my chest, and I remember I threw this damn tank top on without a bra this morning. Classy, Jilly. Very classy.

Moments later, Luca is coming down the steps with Caleb flung over his shoulder, cackling. I attempt to shush him, given Truitt is still asleep, but there’s no point. He’s so happy he’s in another world right now.

“I’ll call you about dinner later, Jill,” Luca says as he reaches the front door. Mimmo opens it, and Luca quickly grabs him around the waist and carries him on his other side, like a sack of potatoes.

He strides to the car carrying these two boys who are hooting and hollering as if he wasn’t Superman in their eyes. Somehow,the view of his backside with arms full of young children is even sexier.

I bite my lower lip at the view. How do I do this and not get hurt?

All of us?


Watching Mimmo and Tarzan take turns wearing the protective headgear and try to weld the nuts and bolts together to create their project has been more enjoyable than I could’ve imagined. I have to multitask, holding the helmet steady with one hand while helping Caleb hold the arc welder with the other.

I’m shocked it’s gone so well. But I had to sit them both down and have a scary safety lecture with them, promising to stop our activity if they didn’t follow directions, to ensure they listened. And they have. Caleb picked out a seahorse he wanted to create, while Mimmo chose an octopus. They aren’t difficult to construct. Both structures are small. But it takes time to weld each piece, so this will take a few outings to finish.

Watching the two of them interact has done a number on my head. Between spending so much time with Jill and her kids, and now this, it’s put ideas there I have no business considering. A life full of joy with a beautiful woman and children.But it could be I’m just under the spell of her magical pussy.

Unless something happens to ensure a greater amount of safety to those I love, I can’t be selfish. It’s not worth bringing anyone else into the picture who could be harmed.

Adding to this mental torture is something peculiar Jillian had said. I play back her words from last night.I can’t get pregnant.Not, I’m protected. I’m on birth control. I have an IUD. But,I can’t get pregnant.What does that mean?

“My turn, Unca Luca.” Mimmo bounces up and down.

“Okay, okay. But after that, we need to clean up and figure out what we’re going to do for dinner.”

I give my nephew one more turn at his metal octopus. Pride runs through me, watching the two of them so excited at their accomplishments. How could my father have three sons and want no part of their childhood? These moments are priceless. It’s his loss, I remind myself. When will I be old enough that it doesn’t bother me. That power and greed were his first love. Not my mother.

Not us.

Bzzz. Bzzz.


“Luca. It’s Luigi.”

“Hi. Hold on for just a moment.”

“Let’s head to my office for a second, boys.” Grabbing the two playfully by the back of their collars, I lead the way. There’s no way I can concentrate on this phone call if I’m also making sure they don’t light themselves on fire or burn the shop down to the ground.

“Okay, don’t get into any trouble. I’ll be right back.”

Standing outside the office, I look through the window at them, moving my two fingers from my eyes to point in their direction in the universal sign for ‘I have my eyes on you.’ They laugh. With these two, the joke is probably on me.

“You there, Luca?”

“Yes. I have Mimmo and his little friend here at the shop working on an art project for the boy’s mother. Her birthday is coming up.” It dawns on me I need to find the perfect gift for Jillian. My thoughts drift to a beautiful mirror fit for a queen I’d started designing for one of my client’s, but decided to keep. It was too special to part with.

“Ah, is this the woman I met at the restaurant?”