Page 116 of Luca

Scratching my head, I really want to put this off and go back to bed, but something’s needling me to get on with it. I’ve learned to listen when I get this feeling, so I might as well gather up everything I have in the guest room and take it next door to Jillian’s house.

I head upstairs to pack my bag, grateful I didn’t bring much more than a few pairs of boxers, a spare pair of jeans, a T-shirt, and my toiletry bag. Then I remember that shotgun. Dammit. I really have to get that gun safe. I’ll call Giovanni in the morningto see if he can help get one delivered. It should be safe enough here for now.

Out of the blue, the dogs start barking. I stand motionless, wondering if they’ve heard a car passing by. But the barking gets louder until my nerves start to jump. What on earth would’ve spooked them this late? Their barking turns to violent snarling. When goosebumps dot my flesh, I instinctively reach for my pistol. Lining it up in front of me, I cautiously walk to the top of the stairs when a horrifying thought comes to mind.

My little shadow.

“No! No! No!” My horrified screams ring out as I rush down the stairs, no longer worried for my own safety. “No!” I yell at the top of my lungs. This can’t be fucking happening.

I have my pistol cocked and ready to shoot the dogs, my heart racing so fast I feel like I’m about to have a heart attack. “Please, God, please,” I beg, running toward the dogs, whistling for them to heal. But there’s no use.

As I round the bottom of the steps to the front door, I see blood everywhere.

“Fermare! (Stop!) Fermare! (Stop!)”

It’s apparent instantly that this is no child, but rather a grown man. “Oh thank you, Jesus.” I double over momentarily, relieved, but still feeling I might hurl.

Swiping my palm down my face, I return my focus to the revulsion in front of me. There’s too much blood to attempt to identify him. After multiple attempts to control the dogs, I’m able to get them in the backyard long enough to take a better look. It’s gruesome, but I’m certain it’s not Cliff or anyone I know. However, the Italian words I find inked on his skin are enough for me to realize my location has been discovered.

Pulling my phone, I frantically dial Giovanni.


“G. I need your help.” I wail, my voice is frantic. I’m trying to control my breathing as I wrap my head around what’s happened. “They’ve found me.”

“Fuck, Luca. Are you okay?”

“I’m rattled, but okay.” I bend over, trying to take a deep breath. “Are your men still here?”

“Yes. What happened?”

“Someone broke into the house I was staying in. Next door to Jillian and the kids. I’ve been dog sitting two vicious shepherds who annihilated him. I have no idea who the guy is, but his tats are all in Italian.” I pant. “I don’t know if he was here for me, or if they got the address wrong and were trying to get to Jillian.”

“Well, security was positioned on your girl’s place. If they looked like they belonged at the neighbor’s house, I’m not sure it would’ve set off any alarm bells.”

“I understand, G. But either way, I need to get us the hell out of here.”

“I’ve already got the ball rolling. Luca, I need you to calm down and listen carefully to what I say. Go next door, gather your family, and get back to the house where the break-in occurred. I’m going to give you ten minutes before one of my guys will anonymously contact 911. Just stay put until they arrive.”

“Giovanni, I can’t be here when the police come. I just fucking got out of jail.”

“Luca. Do you trust me?”

I’m panicking about this entire situation, but my main concern is Jill and the kids. And I know Giovanni would never do anything to put me in danger. “Yes. Of course.”

“I’ve got you, Cugino. Go.”

Disconnecting the call, I whistle for the dogs to return to the house and lock them in the garage. After gathering my bag and my shotgun, I sprint to Jillian’s house. I jump the fence and dashfor the back door. Once I slide it open, I stop and take a breath. I need to calm myself down. They’re going to be scared enough. And I’m not sure how I’ll comfort them if I continue to feel this out of control. I take the steps two at a time, rushing to Jillian’s side.

Shaking her as gently as I can, I pray I can get them out of here quickly without getting them too upset. “Jillian, please. I need you to get up.”

“What? What’s the matter?”

“Something’s happened. We need to leave. Please, get dressed and help me get the kids.”

“Luca, what’s going on?” Her voice is starting to break as fear of the unknown takes over.

I lean in and cup her face. “Baby, please. Trust me. I’ll explain as soon as I can. But for now, we need to grab the kids, anything essential, and go. We only have a few minutes.”