Page 115 of Luca

“What about Gammy?”

I smile thinking of sweet, sassy Cecilia. “Okay. Yes. We’ll tell Gammy.”

“Yay!” Tarzan shouts, with a fork full of pancake high in the air.

After everyone is done with breakfast, we clean up the kitchen and decide to watch some television. Myla continues to try to entice the little turtle to walk, and Tarzan spends most of the day following me everywhere. I’m unsure if it’s because he’s missed me or for fear that if I’m out of sight, I might leave again.

“Luigi. Hi. How are Antonia and Mimmo doing?”

“They’re fine, Luca. How have you been? We haven’t seen much of you lately.”

How do I ask more of him than he’s already given? “I’ve been watching over Jillian and the kids. I know Giovanni has a team on them, but after everything that happened, I feel better knowing they’re okay.”

“Sure, sure. I understand.”

“My friend. I don’t know how to ask this.”

The line goes quiet. “What do you need, Luca? Just name it.”

“I’ve asked G to look into helping us find a way to get out of town and start over. Again. I don’t know if Jillian will consider this. We haven’t known each other that long. And it’s a lot to ask of anyone. I’m not bringing it up unless it’s a real possibility. But if he can find a way?—”

“You don’t need to ask, Luca. Antonia and the boy are doing well here. And Maria loves having them. We’ve even started your monthly ritual of taking them to the water. She’s still not ready to go alone, but your sister is much more confident about going out.”

I can feel myself getting emotional. “Luigi, I can never repay you for what you’ve done for them. She’s done so well with the two of you.”

“We haven’t done anything more than you. I think Antonia needed a mother figure after all she’s been through. And now she’s willing to work with a therapist. I have high hopes she’s going to be just fine.”

I’m torn. As much as I want to find a way to make a life with Jillian and the kids, I’m not sure I can leave my sister andMimmo behind. Because once we go into hiding, that will have to be that.

“You need to start going after what you want, Luca. No excuses. You are too bright, kind, and talented to dim your light hiding in the dark.”

I want to believe him. “I just don’t know if I can do this,” I exhale.

“Ah, whether you think that you can or you can’t, you’ll be right.” He chuckles. “Henry Ford said that.”

“You and your wise sayings.” I laugh. But I trust Luigi. He’s never steered me wrong.

“Decide, Luca. Then make it happen.”



My eyes blink open,unsure why I’m awake now that I’m spooning Jillian like something out of a fucking dream. What time is it?Shit! I can’t believe I forgot to go back over and let the dogs out. They must be starving. Not to mention, I’ll probably have a big pile of shit to clean up. Maybe two.

Needing to get there quickly, I stealthily try to maneuver my body free of hers and slide out of bed without waking her. I reach for my black jeans and T-shirt and go into the closet to retrieve my pistol before heading downstairs.

Slipping out of the back door, I inspect the two yards judiciously before climbing the fence. I have serious doubts about how long I can remain under the radar here. Despite the lecture early this morning, Tarzan still tried to follow me when I made a dash for Cliff’s yard this afternoon to let the dogs burn off some steam. I can’t exactly risk taking them for a walk, so I tried to quietly toss a ball from the back door of Cliff’s home.

Next thing you know, Caleb’s standing by the fence, past the designated red line sprayed on the grass. I know he only wantedto play. But I don’t know what’s more dangerous, the dogs or being spotted by someone who’ll connect me with him and his mother.

I tried to explain to Tarzan that I was raised to handle ferocious dogs. When I was unsure of how seriously he accepted my reasoning, I reminded him we’re still playing Hide and Seek. If anyone saw him at the fence, we might lose the game. That seemed to work.

Stepping inside Cliff’s house, I’m instantly greeted by the imposing canines. After giving them a good rubbing behind the ears, I stroll through the downstairs areas where they stay. Thankfully, they haven’t made a mess. I whistle to them to come outside while I fill their food bowls.

After a few moments, I let them back in. It’s too late to play tonight. And honestly, I can’t wait to crawl back into bed with my girl.

After putting their food out, I retrieve their water bowls to rinse and refresh. I need to call Cliff and ask when he’s returning. I haven’t spoken with him in a few days. After I give Boo and Midnight their water, I stand and contemplate whether I should go ahead and gather my things so I don’t have to come over and get them during the daylight if he comes back unannounced.