Page 76 of Dr. Weston

And that’s all it takes.I don’t know which is his most lethal weapon, his talented hands, his impressive cock, or that deliciously dirty mouth. I can’t even find words at this point to moan anything. My eyes roll back in my head, and it’s all I can do to hold on to consciousness for a few more moments.

“Open your eyes,” he barks.

My lids spring wide. I can see him floating above me, but I feel like I’m under anesthesia.

“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck,” he chants as his hard, sweaty body thrashes into me.

I can tell the moment he’s reached his final destination, as he stills, his exhales shuddering above me. Luckily, as my bodily functions start returning to normal, I’m able to see a look of pure rapture on his face that nearly brings tears to my eyes. That I could make anyone look like that. Feel like that. Much less, this amazing man.


Overwhelmed with emotions I wasn’t expecting to feel, I drop a tender kiss on Poppy’s forehead before withdrawing and heading for the bathroom. Quickly disposing of the condom, I turn on the faucet to wash my hands and catch a glimpse of the man in the mirror. I barely recognize him. Staring, I can see a contentment in his eyes that’s new. This realization combined with the way I feel after spending the evening with Poppy is unnerving.

This woman is nothing short of amazing. Poppy took everything I had to give, never once seeming alarmed at my words or recoiling when things got rough. I never felt as if I was taking my pleasure from her, but instead that she was giving herself to me. Her satisfaction was palpable.

And it’s not just the sex. Sure, it might be the endorphins talking right now, but the entire evening was incredible. There wasn’t a moment I thought about work or any of the stressors that normally occupy my thoughts. Poppy steals all of my attention. But in a good way. Not in a needy, demanding way as I suspected another relationship would bring. An odd sensation stirs in my chest.

Could I have finally found someone suited to all of the sides of me?

Shutting off the water, I realize this woman could be a real turning point. I need to embrace this second chance. Because I might just be able to have it all with her. The career, the financial success, love, and family. With her, a balanced life feels possible.

I’ve accomplished things in my life most people couldn’t dream of. Some through hard work and determination, and the rest through believing in myself, the great power of manifesting what I want in my life, and maybe a little luck.

Yet, as hard as I tried, for years now, I’ve struggled to feel whole. There was always something missing. What good was the all-consuming career and riches if, at the end of the day, you were all alone? My friends were as driven as I was, so spending a few hours every couple of months was as much as I could hope to expect. My interactions with women were shallow, merely physical connections. My family lived with another man who could commit to them. And my only confidants were on my payroll.

Then this mysterious woman walked into my one-dimensional world and brought a light I’ve never known. It was as if I felt it before I’d even met her. Like a gift from the man upstairs. I can’t squander this chance. But I need to take this slow so I don’t scare her. Hell,I’malready alarmed at how I’m feeling. I don’t want to risk pushing her away if she feels smothered. But I have to see where this goes. Because the thought of a world without her now is terrifying.

I walk back to bed, finding Poppy lying on her back, one arm thrown over her head, her eyes closed, and her golden hair splayed over her pillow. Sliding carefully under the sheets, I try not to wake her when her eyes fly open.

“I’m sorry, Pop. Go back to sleep, baby.”

“I wasn’t asleep.” Her voice sounds odd. Almost distant. And she’s not smiling. My heart drops.

Reaching across her, I stroke her cheek. “Are you okay?”

“I don’t know.”

Swallowing hard, I pray I haven’t hurt her. Or worse, caused her to have any guilt about being so physical with me. It’s clear she still holds a deep love and commitment to her husband. “Did I hurt you?”

“No,” she blurts. “No. I just can’t believe…”

Holding my breath, I try to give her space to say whatever is on her mind. Even if it’s hard to hear.

“If that’s what sex is supposed to be like, I’ve been doing it all wrong.”

There’s no holding back. I pull her beautiful body into my arms, a sense of inner peace that’s eluded me for so long washing over me as this sweet woman snuggles against my chest. I let out a relieved chuckle. “I was worried I’d hurt you.” Poppy pulls back, the most angelic look on her face, as she dips the pad of her index finger into my dimple. The action never ceases to make me smile harder. “I want to make you feel good.”

“No worries there.” She giggles.

Tracing a heart onto her chest, I say, “No. I mean here.”

* * *

Rising with the sun, I carefully slide out of bed so I don’t wake Poppy. I’ve never woken up with a woman in this house. It should feel alien to me. But everything about this moment feels right.

I start to go in search of coffee before hitting the shower when I notice my phone has several new messages. Taking it with me, I head to the kitchen to grab my morning dark roast. Dropping the pod into my Keurig, I open my phone messaging app while anticipating the familiar aroma that signals my day has officially begun.

5:30 a.m.