Page 77 of Dr. Weston


Hey, man. I’m on call, but one of your patients is being admitted. Looks like they may need to go back to surgery. I’ve started them on two antibiotics. But you might want to take a look. I’ll send you their info on the private server.

Dammit. I don’t know why this is so surprising. It’s been my entire existence. I spend many a day off in that hospital, either being on call or due to situations such as this. As much as I’d like to take up my new balanced life right this very moment, I have an obligation to my patients to ensure a good outcome.

Grabbing my coffee, I head to the bathroom to quickly shower and change until I stop in my tracks, trying to think of a way to keep Poppy here until I return. Then it hits me. My dirty obsession with imagining her curled up in a sleep set, reading her books, had me spending an hour online several weeks ago. I was saving it for a special moment. Yet, no time like the present.

I walk into my closet and reach up to seize the pink and black Agent Provocateur bag containing the little pink silk camisole and sleep shorts I’d ordered for her. Grasping the handles of the adjacent bag from the bookstore, I pull down the beautiful hardcover copy of Pride and Prejudice I found. It was a striking version of the classic with gold foil lettering embossed into a dark matte background.

Bringing the gifts out to the kitchen island, I walk to my study in order to retrieve a pen and paper.

* * *

Walking in the door from the garage, I have to acknowledge I’m nervous. Did she stay? I could’ve messaged Porter asking if he’d dropped her off. But honestly, I didn’t want anything disrupting the satisfied bubble I’d been living in. I’m going to be really fucking disappointed if she’s gone.

Holding my breath, I walk into my bedroom to find Poppy lying on her belly, her chin resting in the palm of her hand as she reads her new book. She’s wearing the pink and black sleep set, slowly kicking her legs back and forth behind her as she’s deep in thought. The delectable globes of her ass are taunting me from the silky bottoms, causing my dick to stir.

“Hi.” Her greeting interrupts my salacious thoughts, catching me by surprise. She flashes a sweet smile at me from the bed, and my day is made.

“I’m not sure that outfit was the best choice.”

Her smile quickly fades as she rolls on her side. “You don’t like? I thought I looked cute in it.” She pouts.

“Yes. But you’re going to look much better out of it.”




Turning my head, I spot Kat making her way toward me. “Hey, how are you?”

“I’m good.” My cheeks heat at the thought of sharing my date with her.

She gives me a quizzical look. “I have a funny feeling I’m behind on something. When can we meet up again?” She giggles.

“I’m off tomorrow. Then I’m back for the next three days since it’s my weekend to work.”

“Tomorrow it is, then. Can you come to the lake?”

I clap my hands at the thought. “Oh, Kat. I’d love to.”

“Yay! Now I have something to focus on besides these cranky pants patients I’ve had all day. Is it a full moon or something?”

Shaking my head at her, I appreciate my limited patient contact during times like those. “I’ve got to get back. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow, Kat.”

Making my way back to the pharmacy, I catch the movement of someone in the corner of my eye and see Broadie, dressed in his lab coat, talking to the hospital administrator. He doesn’t look happy. Realizing my stride has decelerated, I head in the direction of the stairwell, so I’m not caught gawking.

I can’t imagine the amount of stress he must have to deal with on the daily. While my job isn’t easy, for the most part, I only have to show up and do my usual tasks. Well, that and put up with grouchy doctors who are impatient when I can’t read their minds about the medications they need. But it’s rare I’m pushed to do more than provide clinical education on medications. Broadie is constantly being sought after to help lead the hospital forward, in addition to his taxing surgical responsibilities.

As I make it back to the inpatient pharmacy and return to my tasks, my mind wanders to the handsome surgeon. It’s been over a month since our night together. We’ve met once for coffee, but otherwise, our schedules haven’t aligned. Or he’s not interested in more. I have to at least consider it’s a possibility.

He’s a busy man, but he’s managed to text me something sweet each day. Even if it’s just a hello or have a nice morning. As much as I miss spending time with him, it’s probably better I try to avoid getting too attached. But I can’t fight the feeling that if I were to allow myself to fall, he’s the one I’d want to catch me.

* * *

“Oh, Kat. This place,” I gush. Her serene lake house literally feels like something from a Thomas Kinkade painting. The beautiful wooden home sits on a lush green hill overlooking the water below, surrounded by beautiful trees and a gentle slope to the dock.