Page 69 of The Devil You Know

‘So, I guess, “how are you” wouldn’t be a welcome next line for me?’

‘Only if you want a punch in the face when you get home,’ she said, and Max was relieved to hear the humour returning into her voice.

‘Ah well, maybe it’s a good thing that I’ll be a while, then.’

‘Why aren’t I surprised.’

‘How are you feeling?’


‘Of course.’

‘Like a bad hangover, but without the good memory of a decent night out. I’ve been throwing up constantly.’

‘Shit, sorry. Have you called the doc?’

‘I called. Appointment day after tomorrow. You remember, the one you’ve faithfully promised to come to with me, where we’re discussing me being pregnant with your child. You’d not forgotten, had you?’

‘As if. I’ll be there, don’t worry. Have you called in sick?’

‘Well, I’m technically working from home, but in reality, I’m sat on the sofa in my dressing gown, with the fire on, not eating cheese,and trying to not scare the crap out of Nutmeg with the puking noises.’ She coughed wetly.

‘I’m sorry, babe. You want me to come home?’

‘You’re doing something urgent, right?’


‘How urgent?’


‘As urgent as the other urgents?’

‘More. If we don’t get this right, things will get very bad.’

‘Then get back to it, then. I’m off to get rid of the tea and toast I managed to get down half an hour ago.’

‘Katie, I’m so …’

‘Don’t apologise, Max. You’re a total and complete bastard, and I hate you. Although I actually love you. Promise me two things.’

‘Of course.’

‘You don’t know what they are yet.’

‘Aye, sorry.’

‘Just promise me that you’ll be careful, and that you’ll be at the doctor’s in two days’ time.’

‘I promise.’

‘Good. Now piss off.’ Katie hung up.

Max walked across the wet grass and to the small knot of conifers that were in the grounds of the castle, his gut churning after the call. His mind was whirring at everything that was happening. Becoming a dad, the prospect of beginning a complex debrief of a major criminal that he truly didn’t trust and above all, that it felt like someone, somewhere was pulling strings that had resulted in multiple deaths recently, and that if they didn’t do their jobs properly the number would grow. It felt like a ton weight of responsibility was on their shoulders.

And Bruce Ferguson. The shadowy ghost that was Bruce Ferguson. Two former French Foreign Legion soldiers had made Max suspicious again. Could Bruce have employed them to stop Hardieescaping? Would he act against Frankie? Max’s stomach churned at the prospect.