Page 68 of The Devil You Know

‘Anything to add, Mal?’ said Macdonald.

‘No, sir. We’ll handle his transportation and security, and my guys are great at what they do. You guys just need to get the evidence from Hardie, I hope you can handle it, Max,’ said Crookston, his blue eyes holding Max’s.

‘We’re ready, and he’s ready to talk. Let’s get this done.’


‘THAT TOWNSEND ISa snidey little cockwomble, isn’t he? What’s with his neck? He looks like a fucking turkey,’ said Ross to Max as they walked the dusty corridor back towards their office.

Max just grunted, weariness seeping into his bones, and his thoughts were split between Katie and, since their latest discoveries, Bruce.

‘What’s up with you, Max? You’ve been as crabbit as a bear with a sore arse,’ said Ross, glancing at Max.

‘It’s nothing, just tired.’

‘Well, liven up, man. We’re about to get busy, so if you’ve shit to sort, get it sorted, pronto, eh?’

‘Like what?’

Ross held his arm in front of Max, stopped suddenly and turned to face his friend. ‘Look. You’ll have noticed that Mrs F and I have occasional differences, and that this job is fucking shite for relationships, so if there’s anything you need to do, get it done now, before things gets chaotic, okay?’

‘I’m okay,’ but even as Max said the words, he knew that he wasn’t being convincing, and the look on Ross’s face made it clear that he wasn’t buying it, either.

Ross’s eyes softened. ‘Look, pal. I get it. Things can be rough. Is Katie okay?’

Max opened his mouth to protest, then closed it again, and leant against the scuffed and scraped wall, rubbing his face with his hands.

‘Max—’ began Ross.

‘Katie’s pregnant,’ interrupted Max.

The silence in the deserted corridor was tense and thick, as Ross stared open-mouthed at Max.

‘How far gone?’ he eventually said.

‘No idea. Only just done a positive test a couple of days ago. She’s got an appointment with the doc soon.’

‘Is she okay?’

‘Aye, gone off cheese, is throwing up a bit and is pissed off at me for being at work all the time.’ Max sighed, but forced a smile that no doubt looked unconvincing.

Ross’s big face switched from its customary scowl, and he broke into a big, wide grin that showed his uneven teeth. ‘You lucky bastard,’ he said, extending his hand and shaking it with genuine warmth.

‘I thought you’d be all sarky, or tell me how kids and this job don’t mix, or how you’d always assumed I couldn’t get it up,’ said Max, a smile arriving on his face as Ross clapped him on the shoulder.

‘Normally I would, pal. You’re in for a treat, and I’ll tell you something for free, man to man. I’ve had a full-on career, done all the big crime stuff, nicking bad guys and bent cops, but being a dad is the best thing I’ve ever done in my life. My kids mean everything, pal. This job gets in the way, but you can do it. You can still be a good cop, you can still make a difference and still be a great dad, but it takes some work. So yeah, I’m calling you a lucky bastard, because you’re about to experience the ride of a lifetime. Have you spoken to her today?’

‘No, I got up early, and she had her head down the toilet when I left.’

‘Well, go and give her a call, and give her my best wishes, eh? And tell her that Mrs Fraser will be delighted, and that if she ever needs someone who knows the score, including moaning about husbands being at work, then I’ll pass her number on.’ Ross thumped Max on the shoulder again and chuckled.

Max didn’t quite know what to say, but was almost shocked to feel a tightness in his throat, and emotion beginning to stir.

‘Now don’t get fucking emotional on me, ya fud. Go and speak to your missus, sort shit out and make sure she knows you’re there for her, even if it is over the phone, until we’ve got this current load of shit under control.’ He grinned again, turned on his heel and stomped off, whistling cheerily.

Max just stood there, breathing deeply at how the normally brutally sardonic Ross Fraser could go from being sarcastic, impatient, foul-mouthed and crass to understanding and kind in the blink of an eye. Max felt himself grinning. He reached for his phone and dialled, as he pushed a door open and stepped out into the cold, fresh air.

‘I bloody hate you for making me pregnant, Craigie,’ was Katie’s opening gambit. Her voice was gummy and thick, and she sounded tired.