Page 99 of Sleet Princess

We’reup three to one and in the locker room before the start of the final period.

“Thanks for the assist.” Jackson grins at me before taking another drink of water.

“My pleasure,” I reply, taking my own swig of water.

On the TV screens in the entryway to the locker room, I caught a glimpse of the little kid game they always have during one of the intermissions between periods. Nothing was special about it. Same old chaos. Except Blizz was once again slipping all over the ice.

“Have you noticed…” I start asking Jackson but trail off.

“Noticed what?”

“Ice seems extra fast tonight,” I finish instead of sayinghave you noticed the way Blizz is filling out that suit tonight?

I take another drink of my water and avoid making eye contact with my friend.

I’m positive he hasn’t noticed.

And I know I shouldn’t be thinking of yeti ass when I have a wife somewhere in the state that I need to make up with.

Chapter 80


My kneesand elbows are sore from how many times I’ve fallen, and I’m pretty sure the woman who has been giving me my cues is fully aware I’m not the person who is supposed to be in the suit. But she’s not saying anything, and neither am I. When this is all over, I’m planning to take this experience to my grave, take a bath in Tylenol, and never leave my hotel again.

There are only a few minutes left in the game. I just need to survive that, then I can enact my pain-relieving plan.

Trying to get comfortable in skates that have surely rubbed my feet raw, I prop the bottom of the flagpole on the ground and lean on it.

I’m a few feet back from the glass, right behind the net, with the Sleet goalie right in front of me.

If we win, I have to go back out onto the ice, waving this motherfucking flag.

If we lose, I get to hurry back to my closet.

And as much as I want to shove this polyester rag down Luke’s throat for being a hockey player and ultimately being responsible for me being here, I still don’t want them to lose.

Chapter 81


There are lessthan two minutes left, and Chicago scored a few plays ago, so we’re only up by one.

I don’t want to lose.

And I don’t want to go into overtime to settle a tie.

I want to finish this game so I can go home and call Natalie.

I shouldn’t have waited.

I should have called her the day I pulled my head out of my ass.

I should have jocked up and gone to her office. Begged her forgiveness. Asked her to explain everything she’s told me she wants to explain.

But I waited. And that’s going to be the last dumb decision in a long list of dumb decisions.

My mind focuses back on the game as Zach takes a shot on goal.