I tense at the sound of Luke’s voice, my eyes automatically moving to his face.
My body freezes, worried that he might be able to see through the mesh parts of the Blizz face, but then the flag flutters down into the space between us, draping over the top of Luke’s head.
I channel my man voice again and mutter a quick “Thanks.”
Luke lifts a hand to push the flag out of the way, but I push off with one skate, and with skill I could have used five minutes ago, I glide around behind him.
Focusing on every single inch of ice ahead of me, I hold the flag as high above my head as I can manage, just to ensure I don’t trip over it.
Chapter 77
I turn my head,watching Blizz skate away as I move toward the bench.
Just as the mascot reaches the edge of the ice, the flag—raised way higher than necessary—catches on the net that stretches above the glass to catch stray pucks.
The top of the flagpole jerks in his hands, throws him off balance, and once again, Blizz goes down. Ass in the air.
Chapter 78
Crawlingthe few feet so I’m completely off the ice before I try to stand up, I decide that I’ll just be buried in this fucking suit. That way, no one will ever need to know it was me tonight. I can just be a missing person. They’ll do a documentary about it. Luke will probably be questioned since it’s always the husband who disappears the wife, but since he’s the reason I’m even at this godforsaken arena, he deserves it. I hope the media sets up outside his house, hounding him at the grocery store. And I hope no one ever dates him again and he ends up becoming an old cat lady.
When I’m on my feet, I take the skate guards from the woman in black and stumble away without putting them on.
I make my way to the closet as quickly as I can and check over my shoulder before I pull the door open.
The real Blizz is standing just inside, using a rack of cleaning supplies to keep himself upright on one foot, and I can tell he’s trying not to smile. The bastard clearly snuck out of the closet to watch.
“Not a fucking word,” I snap as I drop onto the crate he’d been sitting on earlier.
He mimes zipping his lips.
I groan and drop my giant head forward into my paws. “I can’t do a whole game like this.”
The man starts to chuckle but tries to cover it by clearing his throat.
I shift my face into one hand and hold out the other. “Can you hand me my phone?”
The man, whose name I don’t even want to know at this point, digs out my little purse from the pile of clothes I left on the floor.
I need to text my dad and tell him I’m going to watch the game from down here before he sends someone to look for me.
And for once, what I’m telling isn’t a lie.
I’ll just be watching it even closer than he thinks.
“Good news,” the guy says as he sets my purse in my hand. “You get to switch to tennis shoes for the next part.”
I lift my head. “What’s the next part?”
He tries not to smile. “The T-shirt cannon.”
Chapter 79