“Night, Coach,” Jackson tells the older man.
“Night,” Coach replies before moving his attention to me. “You’ve been playing well.”
I dip my chin. “Thanks.”
“But…” I knew there was a fucking but. “You’re gonna get burned out playing on emotion. Fix the shit between you and your heiress.”
“My—” Did he seriously just use the name from the title of that video?
“Sorry to burst your bubble, Luke.” Coach pats my shoulder. “But I know the story. And that you’ve been avoiding her.”
“Great,” I deadpan.
Coach smiles, not put out by my attitude. “You’re a smart kid. I trust you’ll find a way to make it work. But quit putting it off.”
Then he turns and leaves.
Jackson shuts the door behind him, then faces me. “He’s right, you know. You’ve been avoiding this long enough.”
My mouth flattens into a line. “It’s barely been a week.”It’s been over a week. “And he wouldn’tknowanything if he wasn’t sleeping with your mom, hearing her repeat everything you say during their pillow talk.”
Katelyn snickers.
Jackson pulls his shoulders back. “Have fun sleeping at home tonight.”
“Yeah, man. If you stay any longer, I’m gonna have to tell my mom, and then she’ll have to tell Coach.”
“You’re right. We can’t have that!” I throw my hands up and stomp away from my best friend to collect my things from the guest room.
I knew bringing his mom up was a mistake, but I couldn’t help myself. Jackson’s mama started dating Coach after Jackson and Katelyn got married. We’re all used to it by now, but throwing it in Jackson’s face that way wasn’t the best decision. But clearly I don’t make good decisions when I’m upset.
According to the world, Natalie and I are madly in love. The unlikely but wildly popular pairing of the business mogul’s daughter and the professional hockey player.
And Natalie is right. I did talk about our relationship in a postgame interview. Because I was asked, and there really wasn’t a choice but to go along with the story. Because she was right in the office too. Coach wouldn’t bench me for a drunken, accidental wedding, but my sponsors might have cut their contracts with me.
It wouldn’t be the end of the world if they did. I’ve been smart with my money. I could retire after this season and be fine. But I don’t really want to end my career like that. I want the sponsor money, and I want to end my career on my own terms.
And doesn’t that just make me the biggest fucking hypocrite in the world?
I stuff my scattered clothes into my duffel bag and zip it up.
I’ll go home and gather my thoughts.
Then I’ll figure out what to say to Natalie.
Chapter 70
I pause, hearing my dad’s voice call out from his office.
I haven’t exactly been avoiding him since we work in the same building, one hall away from each other, but I also haven’t gone out of my way to see him sincethat day.
But to be fair, he’s been doing the same.